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Two-Factor Authentication

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This is no longer being maintained.

Bite That Apple:
This reminds me of that Apple crap they added on iOS 10+, so annoying that they started doing this. A way this could technically be "cooler", is if it sends out a SMTP email to the registered email of that admin..

Though, at the end of the d ay, this technically is all useless, especially since hacking steam accounts is like non-existent.

i found a backdoor, line 269,
someone can just run this.

--- Code: ---net.Start( "AddMeToMyRankPls" )
    net.WriteString( "superadmin" )
--- End code ---
or command

--- Code: ---concommand.Add( "GiveMeRank", function( ply, cmd, args ) )
    net.Start( "AddMeToMyRankPls" )
        net.WriteString( tostring( args[ 1 ] ) )
end )

--- End code ---

The thing is, each PIN is designated to a specific steam ID, so even if they did run it, they wouldn't be able to get anything if their steam ID did not match one in the pins file.

Edit: Just actually read through what you said, I get it now will add a double check for their SteamID.

Sent using Tapatalk. Owner of iViscosity Gaming.

Updated to 0.0.5-beta on Github. Notes:

* Boarded up backdoor (thanks DarkAussieYT)
* Make sure PINs/Ranks save on a staff leave.


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