im trying to make my motd have tabs, for rules/forum/etc
local FrameColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 255) --You can set your own frame color, remember to decrease the alpha value.
local ButtonColor = Color(255, 0, 0, 255) --You can set your own button color, remember to decrease the alpha value.
function OpenMOTDMenu()
local MenuFrame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
MenuFrame.OPaint = MenuFrame.Paint
MenuFrame:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.95, ScrH() * 0.95)
MenuFrame:SetPos((ScrW() - MenuFrame:GetWide()) / 2, (ScrH() - MenuFrame:GetTall()) / 2)
MenuFrame:SetTitle("Welcome to " .. GetHostName())
MenuFrame.Paint = function()
surface.SetDrawColor(Color(60, 60, 60, 255))
surface.DrawLine(1, MenuFrame:GetTall() - 27, MenuFrame:GetWide() - 1, MenuFrame:GetTall() - 27)
draw.RoundedBox( 6, 0, 1, MenuFrame:GetWide(), MenuFrame:GetTall() + 1, FrameColor )
local CloseButton = vgui.Create("DButton", MenuFrame)
CloseButton.OPaint = CloseButton.Paint
CloseButton:SetSize(150, 35)
CloseButton:SetPos(MenuFrame:GetWide() * 0.75, MenuFrame:GetTall() - 27 - CloseButton:GetTall()/2)
CloseButton:SetText("Ok, now let me play!")
CloseButton.Paint = function()
surface.DrawRect(1, 1, CloseButton:GetWide() - 2, CloseButton:GetTall() - 2)
CloseButton.DoClick = function(button)
local MenuPSheet = vgui.Create("DPropertySheet", MenuFrame)
MenuPSheet:SetPos(13, 30)
MenuPSheet:SetSize(MenuFrame:GetWide() - 25, MenuFrame:GetTall() - 84)
local MOTD = vgui.Create( "HTML", MenuFrame )
MOTD:SetPos( 25, 50 )
MOTD:SetSize( 250, 250 )
--MOTD:SetHTML([[]]) --use this for custom html code
MOTD:OpenURL("") -- JustAwesomeGaming steam group/
local Rules = vgui.Create( "HTML", MenuFrame )
Rules:SetPos( 25, 50 )
Rules:SetSize( 250, 250 )
--Rules:SetHTML([[]]) --use this for custom html code
Rules:OpenURL("") -- or this if you want to open an URL, remember that you must pick only one
local AdminList = vgui.Create( "HTML", MenuFrame )
AdminList:SetPos( 25, 50 )
AdminList:SetSize( 250, 250 )
--AdminList:SetHTML([[]]) --use this for custom html code
AdminList:OpenURL("") -- or this if you want to open an URL, remember that you must pick only one
local GroupPage = vgui.Create("HTML")
GroupPage:SetPos( 25, 50 )
GroupPage:SetSize( 250, 250 )
--GroupPage:SetHTML([[]]) --use this for custom html code
GroupPage:OpenURL("") -- or this if you want to open an URL, remember that you must pick only one
local Forums = vgui.Create( "HTML", MenuFrame )
TabName:SetPos( 25, 50 )
TabName:SetSize( 250, 250 )
--TabName:SetHTML([[]]) --use this for custom html code
TabName:OpenURL(") -- or this if you want to open an URL, remember that you must pick only one
local Donations = vgui.Create( "HTML", MenuFrame )
TabName:SetPos( 25, 50 )
TabName:SetSize( 250, 250 )
--TabName:SetHTML([[]]) --use this for custom html code
TabName:OpenURL("") -- or this if you want to open an URL, remember that you must pick only one
--You can add your own tabs down here
local TabName = vgui.Create( "HTML", MenuFrame )
TabName:SetPos( 25, 50 )
TabName:SetSize( 250, 250 )
--TabName:SetHTML([[]]) --use this for custom html code
--TabName:OpenURL("") -- or this if you want to open an URL, remember that you must pick only one
--You can chane the popup order here, or add your own tab!
local order = {}
order[1] = {"Group Page", GroupPage, "gui/silkicons/group", false, false, "Group page here"}
order[2] = {"Rules", Rules, "gui/silkicons/exclamation", false, false, "Rules are listed here"}
order[3] = {"MOTD", MOTD, "gui/silkicons/page", false, false, "Message of the day"}
order[4] = {"Admin List", AdminList, "gui/silkicons/shield", false, false, "Admins are listed here"}
--order[5] = {"A name", TabName, "gui/silkicons/page", false, false, "A description"}
for _, tab in pairs(order) do
concommand.Add("showmotdmenu", OpenMOTDMenu)
this is my code, when the motd loads it just loads as is, i was wondering how to make it display as a tabbed motd?