I'm new to lua coding and I've been looking and trying for days to figure out this error.
[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/sourcebans2.lua:5: function arguments expected near 'calling_ply'
1. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/sourcebans2.lua:0
I have function arguments at line 5 where the error is but I keep getting this.
local CATEGORY_NAME = "sourcebans"
function ulx.bancheck( calling_ply, target_ply )
local sID = target_ply:SteamID
calling_ply:SendLua([[gui.OpenURL("http://gflclan.com/gmodbans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=" .. sID .. "&advType=steamid")]])
local bancheck = ulx.command(CATEGORY_NAME, "bancheck", ulx.bancheck, "!bancheck", true)
bancheck:addParam{ type=ULib.cmds.PlayerArg }
bancheck:help( "Opens SourceBans to check a player's bans" );
Any ideas or suggestions? I've gotten the link to open before but I'm not sure what I've broken.