Author Topic: ULX Operators Crash the Server  (Read 7467 times)

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Offline nexguy

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ULX Operators Crash the Server
« on: August 25, 2015, 01:54:25 PM »
When any player is set to the rank operator, the server crashes when they connect or disconnect.
When connecting they will reach the sending client info portion and the server will crash right after that.
When disconnecting it crashes immediately when they leave. ULX ranks users, admins, and superadmins do not have this problem as far as I know.
I am not great at knowing how to do logs, but if you need them tell me which log you will need and I will google how to enable the logs and replicate the error to show you.
If anybody is wondering I am using XenonServers and using the Modpack Installer to get ULX, I tried getting the newest version from the website (not the svn because it is not a locally hosted server) and that did not change the issue. I have no other addons/plugins/content installed on the server and the issue happens both with FAdmin enabled and disabled.
I do not know how to fix this and it is making my server unplayable because it crashes. I would really appreciate any fixes you might have. If you need I can send you whatever file I have on my server. I also had the server "reinstalled" (I asked to reset it to default) and tried it again so it is not just a 1 time thing apparently. I would be interested if you guys are also experiencing this issue or know what the problem is.

Extra Information (I doubt this will help, but its here if it counts for anything):
Gamemode: DarkRP (Unsure if issue persists on other gamemodes)
Map: RP_EvoCity_v4b1 (Issue persists on other maps)
Autorun: r_hunkalloclightmaps 0 (This enables this map to work but I have also had the issue when this was not present.)
Size: 8 Players

Update: I have determined that it happens for operator and all custom ranks other than user, admin, and super admin.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 03:45:21 PM by nexguy »

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 07:58:06 PM »
Even if it's not a locally hosted server, you can still use the latest ULX/ULib SVN version. Just download from the git repository (instructions on the main page under downloads) then upload the addon to your addons folder using FTP. I'm sure your server host gives you FTP access to your server.

You'll want to delete the pre-installed ULX/ULib before you do this though.

As for the issue, I've never heard of this happening. I honestly have no idea what could be causing it. Are there any errors in console when the server is loading with these groups?

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 09:11:00 PM »
No and it will do it with the default operator rank too. This is why I am so confused. The only other thing in the addons folder is the darkrpmodification addon. I don't have a workshop collection attached to the server either. it is running standard GMod. I will try upload the SVN ULib and ULX to the server through the ftp server and see what happens, I tried this the other day with no success but double checking can't hurt. I'll update with my results.

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2015, 09:16:36 PM »
Just for fun, try running your server with NO other addons other than ULX and ULib and on Sandbox gamemode. If it is still crashing, you have something wrong with the server.
If it's crashing with DarkRP, there might be something wrong with your DarkRP installation. I know that ULX has some issues with DarkRP sometimes in some situations, but I've never heard of it crashing with custom groups, although that wouldn't surprise me. I assure you, it's not ULX crashing the server though.

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2015, 09:33:34 PM »
I tried reinstalled it manually via SVN and uploaded through the ftp and it worked on sandbox, now it is working on DarkRP. Must have been doing something wrong or just had some bad luck getting a bunch of botched installs or something. I will update if the problem persists. Thank so much for the help.

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2015, 10:22:07 PM »
Glad you got it working.

Offline nexguy

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2015, 03:27:21 AM »
So I was under the impression everything was fixed, but that simply isn't the case. Unfortunately I have another issue and I already tried a reinstall of ULX, so this one is gonna be a bit harder to fix I think. (I tried both using the current release - which had the previous issue where the server would crash, and  the svn - which has this new issue where the client game will crash.)

To put it simply, opening the Team Menu (Pressing F2) will crash any operator or custom ranked players game. Flat out. This is an issue because nobody can buy doors. I have tried it myself by lowering my position and when user, admin, or superadmin this isn't a problem what so ever. I am using the SVN and its a fresh copy, 0 modification to it. At first I believed it was another addon conflicting with something for that user, who was an operator, I decided to double check just in case it wasn't ULX, and my heart sank when it was. I would really appreciate not having to do a full server reinstall, so I would like to reserve that as a last resort. Do you have any suggestions or ideas as to how this could be happening or how I could fix it?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 03:29:34 AM by nexguy »

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2015, 06:12:26 AM »
Until we see lua errors, we have no clue.
What you describe doesn't even seem possible to ULX specifically.

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Offline nexguy

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2015, 02:15:10 PM »
See the thing is that there are no lua error in the console. I don't know how to go about finding them. It seems really weird but it has something to do with ulx/ulib, either a problem with them or them interfering with something. It sounds crazy and I have never had an issue like this before. Is there a way t get better logs that would show like everything so I can give them to you guys?

Update: I also manually tried removing everything I added 1 by 1 and the problem persisted until I removed ULX/ULib (Which I removed last, of course to make sure it wasnt a conflict between ULX/uLib nad some other addon. I am so lost here, please help.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 02:22:23 PM by nexguy »

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2015, 03:51:06 PM »
So with just ULX and DarkRP you have the problem, and without ULX but with all the other addons you don't have the problem?
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Offline nexguy

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2015, 05:55:40 PM »
Regardless of if I have any addons besides ulx or not, I have the issue as long as ULX and uLib are installed. I am using the svn version, which causes all custom ranks and the operator rank's own GMod to crash if they open the team menu (F2 / Door Menu). If I use the .zip version then if any operator or custom rank connects or disconnects from the server it crashes the server. I have tested both of the issues on both sandbox no addons besides ULX and uLib, which still have the issues (svn = client f2 crash/.zip = server crash),  as of now. I receive no errors in my console or ulx logs.

Update: I started all over again and may have skipped this before, but ULX and uLib svn do not cause a crash on sandbox mode when pressing F2. I am unsure if this is because there i no team menu in sandbox, but i presume that is the reason. I will retry to see if the .zip versions of ULX and uLib present a problem in sandbox mode.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 06:46:58 PM by nexguy »

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2015, 06:49:14 PM »
Fadmin disabled?
I'm only guessing without errors, but it might be some odd group check loop issue in DarkRP versus Ulib groups.
If you remove ULib/ULX, and add someone to an "operator" group using standard server groups file - gmod_server/settings/users.txt , does the issue happen?

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Offline nexguy

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2015, 09:18:38 PM »
If I remove ULib/ULX and add myself to an operator group, it causes me to not have a job and like have no player model, but my game doesn't crash when I press F2... so, that is a thing I guess. The issue is honestly out of my ability to tell what is going on, but I will keep trying you suggestions and hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. I honestly am unsure of what else to try at this point, and ULib/ULX is the best admin addon in my opinion so it really is a must have.

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2015, 10:39:31 PM »
1) So, if ULib has user set as operator - DarkRP game crashes
2) If no ULib, but instead, default Gmod set operator, game doesn't crash, but, doesn't work properly.
During testing of latest crash issue, with ULib installed, is Fadmin disabled?

From all above, especially #2, this sounds like a custom check issue in DarkRP with operator group.
Adding ULib apparently just exacerbates it.
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Offline nexguy

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Re: ULX Operators Crash the Server
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2015, 11:48:41 PM »
So I did some more testing, for some reason if ULX/ULib is installed, and FAdmin is off, F2 crashes the game. Disabling FAdmin causes the game to pretty much break. Do you guys know anything about this?