Author Topic: ULX Karma Betting for TTT  (Read 4788 times)

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Offline Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk

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ULX Karma Betting for TTT
« on: October 19, 2016, 06:39:27 AM »
Luk's ULX Karma Betting for TTT

Plugin Description
This plugin adds the !bet command with which (dead or spectating) players are able to bet their karma on a certain team (traitor or innocent). After a configurable amount of corpses have been found, these bets are shown (anonymously) to all players which may very well increase the pressure on the living ones!
Imagine you're innocent and thinking you're alive with many other innocents. But then you notice that other players are betting 600 Karma in total on the enemy team! Jesus, the pressue! And the potential satisfaction of making them all lose their karma for not trusting in your skills! ;D

This plugin includes saving all bets that have ever been placed to SQLite or MySQL. Latter can be used to include this plugin into your MOTD (like in mine, see here)

Command list
  • !bet <team> <amount>
    Bets <amount> (min/max configurable) of your karma on team <team> (e.g. i or innocent or t or traitor)
  • !mybets [<length>]
    Shows your total betting balance. Can be "all" for all time or 1-31 for the last 1-31 days. Defaults to "all"
  • !bestbets
    Shows the 5 players with the highest bet balance of the last 7 days
  • !worstbets
    Shows the 5 players with the lowest bet balance of the last 7 days

Installation (WORKSHOP)
1. Get it from the Steam Workshop here

Installation (MANUALLY)
Download the plugin here: https://github.com/doctorluk/ulx-karma-betting
2. Unzip the file
3. Upload the folder betting into your garrysmod\addons folder

Refer to the Steam Workshop Link and read the addon's description.

Since this plugin is Open Source, feel free to contribute! I'm by no means an expert in LUA, so bugfixes, feature suggestions etc. are very welcome!

My other plugins: TTT Role Announcer, ULX Age Verificator, CS:S Installation Checker
« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 11:05:43 AM by Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk »
Host of Spielwiese der Erwachsenen, a German TTT Server for adults only.

Offline Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk

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Re: ULX Karma Betting for TTT
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2016, 11:03:31 AM »
Thanks to Timmy I've been able to publish this addon as my first one to the Steam Workshop! Thanks again for the help!

You can find the workshop link here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=822165242
Host of Spielwiese der Erwachsenen, a German TTT Server for adults only.