This is just something I noticed.
But first thing when you have
print "You're not admin! You can NOT have godmode! HAHAHAH"
It prints in console. If you want an error print it's more like
ULib.tsayError( calling_ply, "You're not admin, you cannot have godmode!" )
When you try to get someone's nickname it needs to be v:Nick()
Just doing v:Nick won't work (at least I won't think it will)
As for
But does anyone have a clue how to make it so it says *playername* has gone aod!?
Would I have to make a PlayerSay hook that gets called when they go admin on duty? I am not sure how though.
if Player:Team == TEAM_ADMIN then
AddChat( "v:Nick has gone AOD!" )

Thank you.
Perhaps adding the following instead
ulx.fancyLogAdmin( calling_ply, "#A has gone AOD!" )
though DarkRP should have a default way to echo if someone changes class.
I haven't worked with DarkRP too much so this may not be 100% correct, but it's just stuff I noticed.
Edit: Ignore most of the above. I didn't see you were making hooks and the likes. What I wrote probably won't work but I'll leave it just in case it does.