Hi all,
have been looking around a lot and could not find any answer to this question ...
I want to use the MOTD Generator and want to have clickably hyperlinks to custom URLs in a text section. Of course I could use a MOTD URL and design my own MOTD page, but then I couldn't use the other nice features of the generator like the User List for Admins or the list of installed addons.
I tried a few different markups in the text but none of these worked:
<a href="myurl">text</a>
So is there any way to get hyperlinks working in text sections or is that simply impossible to achieve?
Kind regards and thanks for this really great admin tool

My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v.2.61
ULX v.3.71
Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: TTT