People often come here and ask us for help with code or with functions not (sometimes, yet) written into ULX or ULib.
I intend to make this a gathering spot for various links to code bits that we (Team Ulysses) and the community (you) have worked together on.
Consider it like the FAQ of our Help and Support, but for Lua.
If you ever have coding questions, please post in Developers Corner
Also, if you find bits (read, non-releases) on our forums that I've missed (OR, FacePunchStudios that Megiddo, Spbogie or I have posted), please reply with them here.
Or if you want the question/link to your code removed from this thread, let me know that too.
Please remember this good rule of practice: Don't edit ULib/ULX files. If you make your own commands/code, add them to your gmod/addons/Ulib/lua/Ulib/modules folder.
This will prevent them from being overwritten when we update ULib or ULX.
NOTE: 1) The 'final' working code may be buried in the threads linked below. Please make sure to read all of the post. Not just the first one.
2) The code may be out of date/incompatible with current versions of ULX/ULib. They are meant as guides for you Lua coders out there.
Q: How do I ban larger props from being spawned?
A: Long winded discussion. The wind brought good code!
Q: How do I limit ability to spawn props to admins only?
A: Smoot178 asked that question and got good discussion here
Q: How can I restrict players to spawning a certain number of specific props?
A: Megiddo answers quickly!
UPDATE - Jun 3, 2007
A2: See our RELEASES section for Uppl
Q: How do I make a separate file for Gimp sayings instead of server.ini?
A: Griff was shown a way how!
Q: How do I make a "custom group" adduser command.
A: Cold12141 worked on a custom "addtrustie" command. It wouldn't be too difficult to edit for your custom groups.
A2: ULX v. 3.11 released the week of 6/18/07 allows for use of adduser and your custom groups.
Q: How can I add Wiremod limits to ULX?
A: Dripfed worked on the same question in "this thread"
Q: How do I limit spawning of weapons in my Weapons list to admins only?
A: See Avien's answer here