What the <censor> is not to understand about the groups section of format.txt
Format of group in groups.txt--
"1" "ulx kick"
"2" "ulx ban"
"1" "ulx cexec"
Rinse, repeat. But add your own groups.
"1" "ulx blah1"
"2" "ulx blah2"
"1" "ulx blah3"
"1" "ulx blah1"
"1" "ulx blah3"
By default, any custom group gets the same access as users. That is, they get ulx who, thetime, ulx help, and a few others I don't remember on the top of my head.
You would add/adjust the deny list for each group if you didn't want them having access to something normally given to users. (ulx who, etc)
You would add/adjust the allow list to give your custom groups the commands you wanted.
For safety, if you allow someone access to a command that also has a corresponding "un" command, add both. (Example, ulx ghost, ulx unghost)
Though we might have, or will in future, change code to be smart enough that if you give someone the original command, I'm not sure we have yet, nor is Spbogie
There, I've done half your work for you. Its not even my <censor> server.
I'm a sucker. Gimme karma. Preferably, register and become donator to our server.