Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Gamemodes for GMod
Q: What is "Gamemodes for GMod" ?
A: Gamemodes for GMod is a team system which allows you to seperate your users in Fighters, Builders and Spectators. It comes with an Fancy GUI and an small Permission system.
Q: Will this addon Inteference with my Prop Protection, Admin Mot etc. ?
A: No. Your addons should be able to overwrite permissions of "Gamemodes for GMod" as we return Nil when someone has permissions to something.
Q: Will this destroy my gmod teams ( e.g. UTeam ) ?
A: No. It uses it's own Team system. It should never interact with other teams.
Q: Can you add support for ... Admin mod ?
A: Sure. Write a request on our website Link and we will add it as soon as Possible.
Q: This is Scrapt! I could do better.
A: Well that may be true, but please stop complaining. If you are able to do better then do so ;)
Q: Can you add ... feature?
A: Sure. Write a request on our website Link and we will discuss it and maybe add it.
Q: I have an not listed question.
A: For all other questions please use our ticketsystem Link
How to use
Open Team selection:
- On Init Spawn
- On Command: /modes , !modes , /gamemodes , !gamemodes
Open Admin GUI:
- On Command: /modesadmin , !modesadmin
Current Compatible Admin Mods
Other Info
This script uses the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence Link You may copy and modify it but you must publish it under the same Licence
For support please use our Ticketsystem at: https://www.Aperture-Hosting.de/ticketsystem
To use the ticketsystem you need to register to Aperture Hosting what I would appreciate <3 It would also give you access to our Filebase and our Forum.
Our Filebase: https://www.aperture-hosting.de/store/index.php?file/10-gamemodes-for-gmod/
GitHub: https://github.com/Aperture-Hosting/Gamemodes-for-GMod
Additional Info:
Should we Upload it to the Workshop? Please let me know what you think.
To be Added
- Team Change Cooldown
I guess I don't understand what this does exactly.
Is it a gamemode? Or just a team/loadout system for adhoc 'gamemodes' within sandbox?
Also, could you post a screenshot of your 'fancy GUI' :D
Attached 2 Pics of the GUI. And its like the gamemodes from minecraft ( Creative,Survival and Spectator ) most server owners are experiencing someone comes online on your sandbox server and begins to kill everyone because he wants to fight but the others just want to build. Well this addon would fix that .. on spawn you select what "Gamemode" you want to be in and by that you select what you want and can do. If you want to fight select "Fighters" then you'll be able to kill other fighters but no Spectators or Builders. Or select "Builder" and you can build what you want but you aren't able to kill someone or to spawn weapons. And the "Spectator" is just an invisible watcher.
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