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Loyalty Gaming - Stay loyal to your friends

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Well I never used the data from the old server :d I always started fresh.

But dis time we will have custom addons, which I will not share.

The previous mostly failed cause of advertisement problems. No advert = No users, No Users = Noone will join when they see your server in the list.

I saw your Post on our website.

It is true that it doesn't exactly causes the server to crash but it causes lags. This I know from personal experience with gmod servers.

Also thx for showing me that I left a security breach open, normaly no unregistrated user should be able to post a message.

You're wrong. A player with high ping has no effect on the server or other players. You might see them 'teleporting' around.. but like I said on your forums, unless you are trying to shoot them, it makes no difference to the server.

I allow players from all over the world to play on my server and have had players with 400-500 ping routinely play and it causes no issues to the server or other players.

I had plenty of servers and during the old days we were forced to kick high pingers as they increased the Ping of everyone and caused extrem server lags. Also I am not talking about 1 single 250 ms ping user I am talking about 3000+ Ping. When such a player was online, like an instant the ping from everyone increased.

Ask mostly everyone from Infinity Roleplay: they can asure you that I am telling the truth.

And before you call it an error on my Host: We had the Problem with G-Portal and then on my own root. it happened on both.

You're right. I probably don't know what I'm talking about.....



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