Author Topic: Users can rank themself higher than the rank the currently are?  (Read 2313 times)

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Offline that1nub

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Users can rank themself higher than the rank the currently are?
« on: November 26, 2017, 09:42:22 PM »
On my server, I have it set so the Head Moderators can demoted lower ranked people but apparently they can set their rank higher than what they are, up to Head Admin. I have done a quick search online and could not find this issue. I have attached screenshots of my rank setup.

My ULib/ULX versions:
ULib v2.63d
ULX v3.73d

Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: DarkRP

Offline KewlerGames

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Re: Users can rank themself higher than the rank the currently are?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2017, 11:22:10 AM »
From what I have seen there is no way to restrict it ATM which is not the intent but it isn't working *Wait for the next ULX Update I recommend :)

Offline AvoxPaine

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Re: Users can rank themself higher than the rank the currently are?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2017, 02:35:45 PM »
Under XGUI in the ULX menu you can restrict ranks from using that menu that allows them to set themselves to a higher rank. Just revoke 'xgui_managegroups'. I'm actually not sure if this restricts them from setting themselves to those ranks through the Cmds menu, but you also just revoke the ranks you want from using the command that allows them to set their rank and other players ranks, which is under the User Management tab. As Kewler said, I'm not sure you can restrict people from setting themselves to higher ranks unless you take away the commands that let them mess around and set ranks, for now.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Users can rank themself higher than the rank the currently are?
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2017, 05:52:47 PM »
Avoxpaine I should delete your post.
Suggesting that to someone is like telling someone looking out the window who sees an axe murderer walking towards thier front door to close the curtains to protect themselves.
The axe murder still has total access to them.

that1nub, I'd suggest searching our forums. Front the forum home page, I used 'restrict adduser" and found this.
It's what you're looking for.

HOWEVER - Please realize that Team Ulysses does not support what you are requesting.
We don't encourage modifying of files directly, nor do we encourage giving people adduser or other admin and superadmin group permissions, even trying to restrict to specific access.
You might as well be leaving the door open to the axe murderer.
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