Author Topic: Stop model from changing when exiting a vehicle or dying?  (Read 1704 times)

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Offline Adam Marston

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Stop model from changing when exiting a vehicle or dying?
« on: January 08, 2018, 03:02:18 PM »
Hey there.
I have been trying to host a series of events for my StarwarsRP server, but one thing I noticed is that if you do;
!model (name) (model path)
And then either die, or exit a behicle, your model will automatically change back to the one your job spawns with.

I want to fix it so it acts more like coloring/materializing players. Coloring/Materializing players will stay on them until they rejoin the server. Even after dying multiple times, and entering/exiting a vehicle.

I just need the model to stay set on the person until they switch jobs or rejoin the server, so we dont have to continuously reset their model.

Anyone able to lead me in the right direction? (I am using the latest version of ULX)

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Re: Stop model from changing when exiting a vehicle or dying?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2018, 05:30:21 PM »
You might be better off asking the author of whoever wrote the addon !model is from. This is not a ULX command.

It's probable either designed to do this, or the functions that set model when you die or get out of a vehicle are using the actual player's playermodel and not just the model that the addon sets it to.

But either way, can't really help you because we don't know how this addon works.