Are you sure it's an infinite loop or could it be bad code in a hook? For example, a Think hook could require a lot of data and since it's run every tick (higher tickrate = more ticks/second), that could be the cause of your issue. Deleting hook.lua will not prevent your issue if it is a problem with the hook, so the best bet is to, on a slow time or scheduled maintenance time, remove each add-on one by one and have a few of your staff or friends or something to come on. Once the server stops hanging, look through the most recent removed add-on's code to find a possible issue.
A general rule of thumb, a few hours of unplayability is better than constant server hanging making the game unplayable. I'm sure your players will understand.
Edit: Another way is looking through each of your add-ons one by one and examining each hook in them if you're positive it's a hook issue.
Another thing you could try is
DBugR, but only use this if you have trusted players on. I'd disable cac! If you have it as DBugR is highly intrusive. This tool will hopefully point you in the right direction to find out the culprit of your server hanging.
Sent using Tapatalk. Owner of iViscosity Gaming.