Author Topic: Set guidelines for contributors  (Read 6361 times)

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Offline Timmy

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Set guidelines for contributors
« on: April 04, 2018, 01:48:54 PM »
Set guidelines for people that are interested in contributing to a Team Ulysses project.

Benefits of contribution guidelines:
  • Reduces the barrier to entry for first-time contributors.
  • Contributors can verify that they’re submitting well-formed pull requests and opening useful issues.
  • Well-written guidelines can encourage people to contribute.
I would like to see the guidelines answer the following questions:
  • Is Team Ulysses interested in receiving contributions?
  • What kind of contributions are (not) welcome?
  • Is there a code style contributors should adhere to?
  • How can issues that need help be identified? Do they have a specific tag on GitHub?
  • How do people disclose security vulnerabilities?
  • How do people suggest features or enhancements?
  • Can people open new issues for help or support?
  • Is it okay to submit a PR for smaller issues without creating a bug report?
  • When can people expect a response to their issue report or pull request?
  • Which channels are used to discuss the project?
Answers to some of these questions can already be found on the forums or in the READMEs. But a single resource for all the people that are interested in contributing would be great!

Examples of contribution guidelines:
Other resources:
Thank you for reading my suggestion!
« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 05:31:41 AM by Timmy »