Author Topic: How to grant access to editing the MOTD to non-superadmin users?  (Read 1991 times)

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Offline Maury

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I would like to know how access to editing the ULX MOTD in the ULX settings can be granted to users without the super-admin user-group, but there is no visible permission in the ULX menu that grants such access... Is there any way that this can be changed? While I am aware of how to actually edit the message of the day, I am unaware of how to grant other users without the super-admin user-group access to editing it in the ULX settings. After some trial-and-error testing in single-player, I've come to the assumption that editing the MOTD is a super admin-explicit permission, but I'm sure it's a permission that can be granted to other user-groups. Any suggestions on how to edit this?

My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v2.63w
ULX v3.73w

Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: None

Lua errors shown in console, if any: None

Offline Timmy

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Re: How to grant access to editing the MOTD to non-superadmin users?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2018, 10:11:39 AM »
Make sure your user/group allows the following access tags:
  • xgui_svsettings (XGUI): Allows changing of server and ULX-specific settings on the settings tab in XGUI.
  • ulx showMotd (Cvar): Allow changes the MOTD mode (disabled, from file, generator or URL).
  • ulx motdfile (Cvar): Allow changes to the MOTD filepath.
  • ulx motdurl (Cvar): Allow changes to the MOTD url.
For a group called custom, you would issue the following commands:
Code: [Select]
ulx groupallow custom "xgui_svsettings"
ulx groupallow custom "ulx showMotd"
ulx groupallow custom "ulx motdfile"
ulx groupallow custom "ulx motdurl"

Or, for a user with the name Timmy, you would issue the following commands:
Code: [Select]
ulx userallow Timmy "xgui_svsettings"
ulx userallow Timmy "ulx showMotd"
ulx userallow Timmy "ulx motdfile"
ulx userallow Timmy "ulx motdurl"
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 10:13:10 AM by Timmy »

Offline Maury

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Re: How to grant access to editing the MOTD to non-superadmin users?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2018, 01:21:52 PM »
Thank you so much for the information Timmy. I was screwing around last night to see if I could figure it out but came up with nothing. Thanks again.