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Stop MOTD from Opening for x Seconds?

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Is there a way to stop the MOTD from opening on "PlayerInitialSpawn" for x amount of seconds?

I'm looking to code my own spawn menu, and dont want the motd to open till after my menu has closed.


You could use timer.simple, but that probably isn't best method for waiting. It would be better if you use a method to detect when the close button is pressed. Sorry I can't do the research to link how right now, I'm not at my normal computer setup this week.

Hey, I only have a timer on the custom spawn menu anyhow, so a timer would be perfect. I just cannot find where to put it :S

Has anyone got any idea?


* Wait until ULX loads completely. Add a hook to the "ULXLoaded" event.
* Store the original PlayerInitialSpawn.showMotd hook function. Use hook.GetTable.
* Remove the PlayerInitialSpawn.showMotd hook.
* Call the original function when you want the user to see the MOTD. JamminR mentioned how you could approach this.

--- Quote from: Zarken on August 18, 2018, 02:13:38 PM ---I just cannot find where to put it :S
--- End quote ---
You want to modify a server-side hook so this would go in a Lua file that runs on the server.


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