
I will try it, thanks.
Here is my config, i use PropProtection and i would like to test this noclip protection but i'm an admin;
-- Config
local function adminCheck( ply ) -- Who can move through everything? Comment out these lines for no one.
//if ulx and ply:query( "ulx noclip" ) then
// return true
//elseif ply:IsAdmin() or ply:IsSuperAdmin() then
// return true
return false
-- End config
local hasPropProtection = true -- Chaussette's Prop Protection (preferred over PropSecure)
local propProtectionFn -- Function to call to see if a prop belongs to a player. We have to fetch it from a local so we'll store it here.
local hasPropSecure = false -- Prop Secure by Conna
local hasProtector = false -- Protector by Conna
local noProtection = false -- If there's no protection whatsoever, this is flagged.
As you can see i disable the admincheck. But it doesn't do anything, i mean as an admin i can still move outside world and inside players props. Also the function admincheck is never used in the script, and i can't find the word 'admin' in another place on this script. Strange

How can i test it without changing my group etc ?
For future update (if any but i guess yes), i would like to see a menu, like just below PropProtection's control panel, with some options like:
admins functions:
toggle on/off
admins can noclip everything (on/off)
functions for all:
a list of players that we can choose to be allowed to noclip our prop, like, if player1 is not allowed and player2 is allowed:
Player1 [allow]
Player2 [disallow]
well..i'm sure you know what i mean X)
They are just suggestions i would like to see!
REEDIT: error report!
Warning: Unhandled usermessage '[STRING NOT POOLED]'
ERROR: Hook 'UclipMove' Failed: ULib/_cl_2.05/sh_ucl.lua:19: attempt to call method 'IsListenServerHost' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'UclipMove'