Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Uclip v1.20 -- A noclip alternative!
Thank you a lot! ;D
Stupid problem on my behalf. Syntax error in the file. :-[
It seems the latest GMod update may have broken uClip on my servers.
Facepunch thread with the last update's changes:
It looks like there were some major changes to how noclip works. All was working fine until I updated my server.
Anyone else having this issue?
Broken how? If it doesn't work at all anymore it's likely garry broke any ability to override noclip.
My PC's currently dead, so I couldn't go in and verify anything myself, but players on my servers were having issues like getting stuck on walls (having to suicide to get out) when flying into them as well as managing to get under the ground.
So, it seems to still work to some extent, but with some weird bugs appearing now. I wish I could give some first-hand information, but that's why I was asking if anyone else was having issues since updating.
--- Quote from: Megiddo on June 24, 2009, 05:30:07 PM ---Broken how? If it doesn't work at all anymore it's likely garry broke any ability to override noclip.
--- End quote ---
I have noticed that it is broken since the update too. I just dusted off my server today and found that there is an amount of jittery movement when doing anything. Like while noclipping the movement of your player isn't 100% smooth. When you try to go through ground/walls while not being allowed to you will become stuck in the surface.
I'd definitely say it is time for an update ;)
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