Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Uclip v1.20 -- A noclip alternative!

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--- Quote from: nexbr on October 15, 2012, 04:59:43 AM ---Using Uclip on GMod 12, when player pass though he's own prop the server almost crash and show the disconnect message, then after 5-15 seconds get's normal how fix that?

--- End quote ---

Sorry, but we've never observed this behavior on any other server. Try running a server with only Uclip and see if the issue persists. If it doesn't, you know it's a conflict between addons.

Please give all 'popular' releases some time.
It's been less than a week since Gmod13 release, and there are still kinks to be worked out in ULib and ULX (including XGUI) itself..let alone converting other addons.
You're more than welcome to release some fixes of your own...I've seen at least two other mods here that community members have 'repaired'.

What do you mean by "doesn't work"?

It's working ok with the git release

I love this addon, really good, but have its fails, like players put no-collide all no a car then go thought the building without any permission.

If the author can edit the mod to protect against no collide all will be awesome.

If anyone know any tool or anyway to disable no-collide-all like a tool, or protection of some kind just tell us.


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