Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Uclip v1.20 -- A noclip alternative!
--- Quote from: Megiddo on December 04, 2012, 07:29:06 PM ---You'll have to enable noclip for noclip to work. :)
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Wouldn't everyone have noclip then? I would like it to be for only certain players like donors. Giving everyone noclip would be kind of bad as the gamemode is DarkRP not Sandbox.
--- Quote from: thegtz on December 06, 2012, 04:25:49 PM ---Wouldn't everyone have noclip then? I would like it to be for only certain players like donors. Giving everyone noclip would be kind of bad as the gamemode is DarkRP not Sandbox.
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I understand what you're asking for now; give the donators access to "ulx noclip", but change "uclip_ignore_admins" to 0 (defaults to 1). You'll need to stick this in your server.cfg or in the ulx config file to keep it at this value.
Seems uclip are not working anymore with new updates. (Apparently)
Nexbr, using latest greatest from our repo?
Also, as you are somewhat of a developer yourself, you should know better than to post a 'it doesn't work' post.
What errors at startup for server or client? Any errors during prop spawn? Any errors when a user attempts to noclip through another user's props (not admins)?
--- Quote from: JamminR on December 09, 2012, 11:55:00 AM ---Nexbr, using latest greatest from our repo?
Also, as you are somewhat of a developer yourself, you should know better than to post a 'it doesn't work' post.
What errors at startup for server or client? Any errors during prop spawn? Any errors when a user attempts to noclip through another user's props (not admins)?
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Never mind, its working now, must be the latests updates
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