Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Uclip v1.20 -- A noclip alternative!

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New version (1.0) up! Changes:

* Implemented fail safes so it can't get in any infinite loops (no such problem has been reported, just being safe)
* Minimized check distance so you don't stop a ways away from a wall.
* Split it up into shared, server, and client files (easy for me to understand that way)
* Revamped how it detects if you're stuck, there was an exploit to get through props with the old method.
* Fixed the admin check.
* Added specific checks for when players wedge themselves into tight areas. It was processing their velocity to 0 in this case before (not a horrible bug, so this is really just optimization).
* Added a vehicle check (apparently old version could crash if you were noclipped and entered a custom vehicle)

Make sure you delete the old version FIRST!

* Testing *

Thanks for your work :)

Will you release a new ulx soon ?
Edit; just saw the svn thing, i'll try that too! And Prop protection is still not fixed :(

I have a problem with this script, it happen when i press my noclip key (MAYBE while i'm under world)

--- Code: ---ERROR: Hook 'UclipMove' Failed: ULib/_cl_2.05/sh_ucl.lua:19: attempt to call method 'IsListenServerHost' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'UclipMove'
--- End code ---

Can you tell me how to solve that. I'll remove addons to see if this is caused by another addon.

 We didn't make prop protection.
Chausette did.

Yes i know :p..i'm just annoyed that its still not fixed and that i can't fix it by myself. I'm writing my own -simple- prop protection anyway.


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