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My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v..2.63
ULX v..3.73
Game mode(s) I am having this problem on:
Lua errors shown in console, if any:
[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/starwarsrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua" on line 687.
The best help I can give you is this:
DarkRP was unable to introduce player "Borgpack" to the game. Expect further errors and generally being !
- This error most likely does not stand on its own, and previous serverside errors have a very good chance of telling you the cause.
- Note that errors from another addon could cause this. Specifically when they're thrown during 'PlayerInitialSpawn'.
- This error can also be caused by some other addon returning a value in 'PlayerInitialSpawn', though that is less likely.
- Errors in your DarkRP configuration (jobs, shipments, etc.) could also cause this. Earlier errors should tell you when this is the case.
The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
------- End of Simplerr error -------
I am fairly sure this is ULX causing it, because it only happens if I have a ulx rank, and yes I have checked if it's just me, it happens to other people who join the server too.
Anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this?