Oh how I hate how Meg's server infuriatingly has no noclip, forcing normal players to walk all over the huge map to get from place to place. Thus, I present the solution: Jetpacks. Duh.

The way it works is, you spawn a SEnt jetpack on the ground, which is usable. Once you use it, the jetpack dissapears from the ground and is mounted on your back. (It would've been nifty to have it stay on your back, but setparent kept distorting it's angles.)
Holding the jump key makes you fly straight up, while holding W will make you fly in the direction you are aiming. If you want to get rid of the jetpack, just duck and it will be removed from your back.
I've only tested this in single player, which is why I'd like some one to test it for me in a MP server. Thankjoos.