Notes on .0.1.4 (by time you read this, you may have already fixed the AI)
AI still seems to get lost right near me.
They'll give chase, I'll run/zig/zag a few times, and, about 15-20% of the time, I can get them confused and they just stop.
Sometimes staring straight at me in a clearing.
I totally understand the troll/giant-thing enemy getting lost in trees, but the little meanies shouldn't, and, as you can see in 01, it's just standing there, doing nothing, in a clearing.
Later on, one standing staring went back to idle animation.
Menu - love it - letter drop and chicken dance = just awesome.
Levels/bonus sword - nice.
Don't know if it's a bug, but, from equip weapons menu, with the crystal sword equipped, I can hover over the normal sward, right click, and unequip the crystal sword from my hands.
Animation - The 'fade away' white stars animation for dead bodies was nice, but seems slow? Maybe large/thick/too many too?
GFX quality - did settings change in .0.1.4? AA or other sampling? I thought I noticed a difference, but it might just be that I spent more time looking for that one enemy I missed in the walk-through of the rolling hills.
As for backpedaling - I understand challenge of the animation, but... why do you need to see the front of the character? (other than fun shots like I did standing on the castle)
So, I press the back arrow... the character starts running towards the camera.
That's good for seeing what's behind me, good for fighting, especially if I'm about to run into more enemies, trees.
Don't most games, the back (S) key actually walks backwards, back to the camera? (Honestly, I don't play many 3rd person games, so don't remember)
I play a driving game pretty often, the car backs up without changing the front of the car to the camera unless i hit a camera modifier that views from front of car towards back.
My opinion is that I should only need a view modifier when I want to do exactly what the character does now - face the camera.
EDIT - about AI - I've no idea if you've considered this - why do they all run same speed? Seems to me the female looking creatures would be quicker than goblin rock dudes, goblins quicker than mace dudes. Giant/troll things, well, slow or faster, could go both ways. Right now when I'm zig-zagging, they always bundle up and I can hit 3-4 at a time in a swipe. Though that's nice for the player, it seems they should have different speeds and only bunch if I stop long enough.
female > goblins > mace > giants maybe