Author Topic: ULX Admin Sweps  (Read 3092 times)

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Offline EscudoDenali

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ULX Admin Sweps
« on: July 14, 2007, 03:03:19 PM »
Everybody has heard about the kick/ban guns everybody seems to have made, but what about a ULX gun? I was thinking it could be a simple swep, preferrably  a scout model (personal preference). Heres how it would work:

Left click would of course fire, and apply the command to the person hit by it.
Right click would zoom (for long range adminning)
Reload would change the command (switch between all the commands in the clientmenu)

I would imagine it SHOULD be easy to make, but I havnt a clue about coding, so I dont know.
Thanks for reading!
"What I lack in skill, I make up for in stupidity." - EscudoDenali
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Offline Banyon

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Re: ULX Admin Sweps
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 04:57:26 PM »
Most of the people who use ULX, use it for its simplicity. A gun that you have to toggle through like 200 commands just to use is a little more complex than most of us want, and if someone moves just right you could end up banning the wrong person or something