Ulysses Stuff > Releases for ULX v1.*

Menu Adds V1.0 [Client Limits/Other/Weapons Menu]

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This version is for ulx 1.0
Here below u see the extra ads: ::)

Here below is the main menu:

--- Quote ---1.Client menu
2.Admin menu
3.Maps menu
4.Weapons Menu
5.Client Limits

--- End quote ---

Here below u see what is in client limits:
--- Quote ---1.Balloons Off/On
2.Dynamite Off/On
3.Effects Off/On
4.Emitters Off/On
5.Npcs Off/On (this one is also in the usual mod but i thought lets include it)
6.Props Off/On
7.key 7 doesnt work. (in gmod+ key 7 doesnt work with many computer systems so i leaved it blank)
8.Ragdolls Off/On

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---1.Sprites Off/On
2.Thrusters Off/On
3.Vehicles Off/On
4.Wheels Off/On

--- End quote ---

Here below u can see what is in Other:

--- Quote ---1.Information
2.Set Low Gravity
3.Set Very Low Gravity
4.Set Hig Gravity
5.Set Very Hig Gravity
6.Set Normal Gravity
7.key 7 doesnt work. (in gmod+ key 7 doesnt work with many computer systems so i leaved it blank)
8.Footsteps Off/On

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---1.Wind X Off/On
2.Wind Y Off/On
3.Storm X Off/On
4.Storm Y OffOn

--- End quote ---


this is what i use:
\\SteamApps\<Yoursteamacountname>\source dedicated server\gmod9\lua\ulx
if this aint working try:

[FIX] - Weapons menu (u can give every one all weapons, © by ULX)
[FIX] - Working with gmod+ (key 7 is blank in almost every menu. only not in the maps/weapons menu)

This mod is by darkdeath u wan't more stuff in it ask or pm or email me: DarkDeathRip@gmail.com

Great work!

Out of curiosity, what does gmod+ bind to 7?

Nothing I suppose.
1-6 are weapon slots and the 7 in the menu would use 'slot7' but it is not bound to 'slot7' as theres no 7th weapon in the game

yeah thats what i find out but gmod+ didnt bind anything @ all in slot7 but 8 is used... and working...
so a bit wierd that 7 doenst work... @ many places :S... works not @ my house and not @ my friends house and not @ company i3d (dedicated server hosting).
so... very wierd...

thank u very mutch for ur comment !
if 1.1 is defenetly out then ill wil make more cvar commands with including new weapons !
but first i got 2 know lua better :P...

For some reason there is nothing under the wepons area, how do i add weapons to that place?


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