Author Topic: GMOD Update  (Read 4332 times)

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Offline Avien

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GMOD Update
« on: August 02, 2007, 05:14:52 PM »
Pretty much breaks everything

Code: [Select]
[Add] Finger Poser
[Add] Trails Tool
[Add] Lightbulb Tool
[Add] Camera Tracking. Press USE when looking at an object with the camera.
[Add] Camera Roll. Move the mouse sideways while holding RMB to roll.
[Add] Convar: physgun_rotation_sensitivity (default 0.1)
[Add] lua_redownload - Forces a Lua reconnect for all clients.
[Add] Lua will now condump on critical error
[Add] Tools list now collapsable
[Add] tool_* console commands to activate tools
[Add] PostProcess overlay now shows thumbnails
[Add] 'Sun Size' option to sunbeams
[Add] Notification when kicked due to different scripts
[Add] Lamps can now be toggled on and off
[Add] More materials

[Change] Double pressing reload with the physgun now unfreezes all props
[Change] Single pressing reload with the physgun now unfreezes the prop you're looking at and all entities constrained to it
[Change] Prevented addons from adding [tags] to the game description
[Change] Increased elastic constraint limits
[Change] Forced mouse filtering on (for rotating, camera zooming)
[Change] gamemode_reload, swep_reload and sent_reload no longer need sv_cheats 1 for server admins
[Change] r_DrawDetailProps is no longer a cheat
[Change] Divided options tab into categories

[Fixed] Weapons having no lag compensation
[Fixed] Crash when making wheels with 0 torque then changing their torque
[Fixed] Crash with incorrectly defined context menu comboboxes
[Fixed] Particles sometimes not moving
[Fixed] Possible Freezing due to NaN numbers from Lua
[Fixed] Particle distance alpha not fading properly
[Fixed] lua_run_cl needing quotes
[Fixed] Crash with npc_sniper
[Fixed] Timing errors when making timers in predicted clientside functions
[Fixed] SWEPS misbehaving with pings > 100
[Fixed] Prevented crashing when too many Lua Effects
[Fixed] Prevented crashing when too many Lua Particle Emitters
[Fixed] Trying to show empty tooltips
[Fixed] Jagged camera movement when zoomed all the way in
[Fixed] Ragdoll spazzing when recording demos
[Fixed] Invalid paths getting added to the searchpaths
[Fixed] Rare crash when being kicked from Script Enforce'd servers
[Fixed] Misc VPhysics crashes
[Fixed] Cameras not getting cleaned up
[Fixed] Crash starting d1_town_03 in multiplayer
[Fixed] Crash starting d1_canals_01a in multiplayer
[Fixed] Search path orders getting messed up, resulting in slow load times/missing sounds/switched textures
[Fixed] Menus sometimes not closing when closing the spawnmenu/context menu
[Fixed] Lua File cache sometimes reloading unchanged files

[Lua] Infinite Loop protection
[Lua] ENTITY:SkinCount() (returns int)
[Lua] Added util.PointContents( int )
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:SetupPlayerVisibility( player )
[Lua] Added AddOriginToPVS( vector )
[Lua] Added Error( text )
[Lua] Fixed pod returning false to IsVehicle()
[Lua] Added LerpAngle( float, angle, angle )
[Lua] Added LerpVector( float, vec, vec )
[Lua] Added PANEL:PaintManual()
[Lua] Added PANEL:SetPaintedManually( bool )
[Lua] Added PANEL:RequestFocus()
[Lua] No longer need to call ParticleEmitter:Finish()
[Lua] Added SWEP:DrawWorldModel()
[Lua] Added ParticleEmitter:SetNearClip( float, float )
[Lua] Added ParticleEmitter:SetParticleCullRadius( float )
[Lua] Added Player:DropNamedWeapon( string )
[Lua] Added Player:DropWeapon( Weapon )
[Lua] Added SWEP:Equip( owner )
[Lua] Added SWEP:OnDrop()
[Lua] Added render.StartMaterialOverride( material )
[Lua] Added Player:GetRagdollEntity()
[Lua] Added Player:RemoveAllAmmo()
[Lua] Added Player:SetAmmo( ammoid, count )
[Lua] Added Player:TraceHullAttack( vecStart, vecEnd, vecMin, vecMax, damage, damagetype, forcescale ) - returns hurt entity
[Lua] Added Player:SetUnDuckSpeed( time )
[Lua] Added Player:SetDuckSpeed( time )
[Lua] Added Player:SetRunSpeed( speed )
[Lua] Added Player:SetWalkSpeed( speed )
[Lua] Added Player:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed( multiplier )
[Lua] FireBullets table now accepts a 'HullSize' int key (if over 0 defines the hull size of the bullet)
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:GetCrouchTime( Player, bDuckJump, Ducking )
[Lua] Player:TakeDamage moved to Entity:TakeDamage
[Lua] Updated Lua to 5.1.2
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:CanPlayerEnterVehicle( player, vehicle, role )
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:PlayerEnteredVehicle( player, vehicle, role )
[Lua] Added global GAMEMODE_NAME
[Lua] Particle:SetLifeTime() now accepts negative values for delayed spawning
[Lua] Added >>, <<, |, & operators
[Lua] Added CSoundPatch:SetSoundLevel( level )
[Lua] Added DynamicLight( _int_ ) returns a dynamiclight object.
[Lua] Added Player:SetDSP( effectid, bQuickreset )
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:OnDamagedByExplosion( ply, dmginfo )
[Lua] Fixed tracer effects getting a bad startpos
[Lua] GAMEMODE:EntityTakeDamage is now called for players too
[Lua] Added Panel:GetCaretPos()
[Lua] Added Panel:SetCaretPos( int )
[Lua] Added Entity:Visible( ent ) ( returns true if entity can see ent )
[Lua] Added Entity:VisibleVec( vec ) ( returns true if entity can see vec )
[Lua] Added NPC:SetHullType( hulltype )
[Lua] Added NPC:SetHullType()
[Lua] Added NPC:SetHullSizeNormal()
[Lua] Added NPC:CapabilitiesClear()
[Lua] Added NPC:CapabilitiesAdd( int )
[Lua] Added NPC:CapabilitiesRemove( int )
[Lua] Added NPC:CapabilitiesGet()
[Lua] Added NPC:TaskComplete()
[Lua] Added NPC:TaskFail( string )
[Lua] Added NPC:RemoveMemory()
[Lua] Added NPC:ClearSchedule()
[Lua] Added NPC:IsCurrentSchedule( Schedule ) (returns bool)
[Lua] Added PrecacheScene( string )
[Lua] Added NPC:UpdateEnemyMemory( entity, pos )
[Lua] Added NPC:SetExpression( string )
[Lua] Added NPC:ClearExpression()
[Lua] Added NPC:GetExpression() (returns string)
[Lua] Added GetTaskID( string ) (returns int or nil)
[Lua] Added NPC:UpdateEnemyMemory( entity, pos )
[Lua] Added NPC:SetExpression( string )
[Lua] Added NPC:ClearExpression()
[Lua] Added NPC:GetExpression() (returns string)
[Lua] Added NPC:StartEngineTask( id, data )
[Lua] Added NPC:RunEngineTask( id, data )
[Lua] Added NPC:GetNPCState()
[Lua] Added NPC:SetNPCState( state )
[Lua] Added NPC:MaintainActivity()
[Lua] Added Entity:SequenceDuration()
[Lua] Added NPC:ConditionName( int )
[Lua] Added NPC:ClearCondition( int )
[Lua] Added NPC:HasCondition( int )
[Lua] Added NPC:SetCondition( int )
[Lua] Added NPC:Classify()
[Lua] Added NPC:NavSetGoalTarget( ent, vec )
[Lua] Added NPC:NavSetRandomGoal( fMinDist, vecDir )
[Lua] Added NPC:NavSetGoal( vec )
[Lua] Added NPC:NavSetWanderGoal( fMinDist, fMaxDist )
[Lua] Added NPC:GetMovementActivity()
[Lua] Added NPC:SetMovementActivity( ACT_RUN etc )
[Lua] Added NPC:GetMovementSequence()
[Lua] Added NPC:SetMovementSequence( int )
[Lua] Added NPC:GetArrivalActivity()
[Lua] Added NPC:SetArrivalActivity( ACT_RUN etc )
[Lua] Added NPC:GetArrivalSequence()
[Lua] Added NPC:SetArrivalSequence( int )
[Lua] Added NPC:SetArrivalDirection( vec )
[Lua] Added NPC:SetArrivalDistance( flt )
[Lua] Added NPC:SetArrivalSpeed( flt )
[Lua] Added NPC:GetPathDistanceToGoal()
[Lua] Added NPC:GetPathTimeToGoal()
[Lua] Added NPC:ClearGoal()
[Lua] Added NPC:StopMoving()
[Lua] Added NPC:SetMaxRouteRebuildTime( fl )
[Lua] Added NPC:Give( weaponname )
[Lua] Added Entity:SetRenderAngles( ang ) (clientside)
[Lua] Added Entity:GetRenderAngles( ang ) (clientside)
[Lua] Added Entity:SetRenderOrigin( vec ) (clientside)
[Lua] Added Entity:GetRenderOrigin( vec ) (clientside)
[Lua] Added SuppressHostEvents( player )
[Lua] Added UnPredictedCurTime()
[Lua] Added IsFirstTimePredicted()
[Lua] Entity:SetParent( ent, attachmentid )
[Lua] Added Panel:SetContentAlignment( int )
[Lua] Added table.SortByMember( Table, MemberName, bAsc )
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:AdjustMouseSensitivity()
[Lua] Added SWEP:AdjustMouseSensitivity()
[Lua] Added SWEP:NPCShoot_Primary( ShootPos, ShootDir )
[Lua] Added SWEP:NPCShoot_Secondary( ShootPos, ShootDir )
[Lua] Added SWEP:GetCapabilities()
[Lua] Fixed crash when giving surface.GetTextSize a NULL string
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:SpawnMenuEnabled()
[Lua] GAMEMODE:GravGunPunt now gets called when punting held objects
[Lua] Added util.SpriteTrail( Entity, iAttachmentID, Color, bAdditive, fStartWidth, fEndWidth, fLifetime, fTextureRes, strTexture )
[Lua] Added scripted AI base
[Lua] Added OrderVectors( v1, v2 ) (makes min/max vectors)
[Lua] Fixed crash when using ents.FindInBox() with invalid box
[Lua] Added PANEL:SetTextInset( int, int )
[Lua] Added PANEL:SetPaintBorderEnabled( b )
[Lua] Added PANEL:SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( b )
[Lua] Added PANEL:CursorPos()
[Lua] Added healthleft, healthtaken to GM:PlayerHurt
[Lua] Fixed attacker being NULL in GM:PlayerHurt
[Lua] Fixed GM:ScalePlayerDamage not being called
[Lua] Added DamageInfo:IsDamageType( int )
[Lua] Added PANEL:MoveToFront()
[Lua] Added PANEL:IsMultiline()
[Lua] Added PANEL:DrawTextEntryText( col, col, col )
[Lua] Added PANEL:FocusNext()
[Lua] Added PANEL:FocusPrevious()
[Lua] Added PANEL:SetFocusTopLevel( bool )
[Lua] Added PANEL:SetTabPosition( int )
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:PreDrawSkybox() (return true to not draw default skybox)
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:PostDrawSkybox()
[Lua] Added Entity:DispatchTraceAttack( dmginfo, startpos, endpos )
[Lua] Added Panel:SetTooltip( text )
[Lua] Added CreateMaterial( name, shader, params )

Offline Chironex

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Re: GMOD Update
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 05:25:21 PM »
Yes many things are now broken - the most broken thing is probably the Life support addon - wiremod have some errors too.

But good update anyway, and addons will be fixed soon i think (at least wiremod) :)