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How to remove all but ph_ Maps from Vote List


So i've been searching around the net for days now, And this forum, Im trying to disable any type of map that does not start with ph_ I've tried removing them, Stop them from loading, Remove them from the mapvote list by disabling them in the settings, I can not for the life of me figure this out.

BTW if you can't tell from the screenshots, I have done this but the other maps that are not highlighted in the first screenshot are still showing up in the vote map list that comes up after a round.

Are they showing for non admins?
Have you tried adjusting the gamemode to other than default?
Been long time since ive looked, but imagine admins being able to see maps to vote on non-admins can't.
What settings show in "ulx admin votemaps"?

Yes they are showing for non-admins when the round is over and people need to vote for a new map.

And yes i have tried adjusting the default game mode to prop_hunt

And i will post a pic of those settings.

Conversation was continued on Discord: https://discord.com/channels/158022958940553216/599649323885789186/726483191036379206.

Summary here:

* OP used a gamemode called Prophunt: Enhanced.
* The gamemode has a built-in map vote system.
* The gamemode comes with a ULX command ("map_vote") to trigger the map vote, leading OP to think that their vote system can be configured within ULX.
* Turns out that it does, but needs to enabled by running mv_use_ulx_votemaps 1 from the server console.


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