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UGest - Mouse Gestures in GMod

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ok... iwill stop bumping but why you dont answer at my question???

1) I don't see a question.
2) Because the author of UGest probably hasn't been here in a while.

Truck, these forums go much slower than others. Expect answers in days/weeks, not minutes/hours

Provide more information if you want help. I am done responding to posts without information. Look around, we (Team Ulysses) have made many replies requesting information when people have problems. I'm sick of asking. Provide all info you can if you want a response.

Want to know what info you should reply with, take a look around at the other support topics for what we ask, and use some common sense. Read all instructions, double check you did each step, then come back with as much relavent information as you can.

Untill you do this, you will recieve no help from me.


--- Quote from: spbogie on August 30, 2007, 06:56:36 PM ---Provide more information if you want help. I am done responding to posts without information. Look around, we (Team Ulysses) have made many replies requesting information when people have problems. I'm sick of asking. Provide all info you can if you want a response.

Want to know what info you should reply with, take a look around at the other support topics for what we ask, and use some common sense. Read all instructions, double check you did each step, then come back with as much relavent information as you can.

Untill you do this, you will recieve no help from me.

--- End quote ---

Or what spbogie said.
I was thinking same. "it doesn't work" does not equal a question

1) Place ugest.lua in your /garrysmod/lua/autorun/client directory.
2) If you want to use the example gestures place gesture.txt in your /garrysmod/data directory.
3) Bind a key to +gesture (I use mouse3).
4) Hold down the +gesture button and draw your gesture.
5) Release the +gesture button to execute the command.

I do this correctly and i cant use gesture. When i press "X"(my gesture bind) ...

that is a question

thx ^^

PS: I have a question in the Uclip topic


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