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sui_scoreboard - Sandbox Replacement Scoreboard REMIXED

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it dont say im a superadmin nor dose it say anyone is a superadmin/normal player it just says unassigned  for everyone how would i fix this

and im kindo new to this as well would there be a way to edit the votes ppl have made on someone in game like for EXPL admin goes afk some asshole makes like 4 gay votes on them and logs off when admin comes back lol... and than admin quits playing on server unless i can fix it some like that u know ... ><

1) UTeam: http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,663.0.html

2) Ratings are stored in the sqlite database for the server by player uniqueid. You will need to know how to use sql queries to modify an individual user's entry. You can also delete the sv.db file from your garrysmod root directory, and this will clear all ratings, but it may also affect some settings if you have anything else that is using sqlite.
Edit: Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you can use a program like sqlite database browser to try and edit individual entries.

thank you for all this info ;D i have alittle work when it comes to sql but im sure this will be just different enough to be a little bit a pan :)

ok i found out how to us this but the thing that mixed me up the most from learning how to do this is that the 2 id's are different like why would someones steam id  be like STEAM_0:0:2177795  but in the sv.db its  121792708 if anyone knows and would like to fill me in i would really like to know war and how it gets this id from that user to better sort this out

and if this helps anyone this is only way i know how to find out a persons id so u can modify this file better for what ever reason

first get everything ready with sqlite database
get someone to rate you with a gold star
load up the sv.db go into browse data -> table sui_ratings: you should scroll down all the way u should see last 1 say 5 under the rating tab
5= gold star,
id= ranks total,
target= person that got rated,
rater= person that rated the target

The id stored in sv.db is the player's UniqueID which should be the same whether playing online or lan. You can get it with a simple call to Player:UniqueID(). From server console (or RCON) you can do "ulx who" to get their entity id, then "lua_run print( Entity( <entid> ):UniqueID() )".
It may also help you to look at the code for the ratings.


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