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sui_scoreboard - Sandbox Replacement Scoreboard REMIXED
this is a super super nice addon i think almost every server should have
im not saying this just becues of all the nice options to rate ppl and so on but mainly the custom colors and tells ppl what team/ranking u are
but the option to ban/kick ppl from that same menu is lost :'( sure u can type !menu or clientmenu and ban/kick ppl that way but if they see that they might know whats about to happen and log before u can do the dead and make it alittle more work to ban them <_< we all know how lazy i am ;)
anyways what i manly want to ask and bug for becues omfg i <3 this work is maby if a v3 will be coming out anytime soon if not when ^_^ with rating bug fixed! (that ppl icons dont change when they got a new higher rating), the admin buttons, and i dont know of anymore bugs ... >< ^_^ nice only 2
and u dont think that all the new rateings are maby putting the ban/kick buttons to low to see them maby??? just a guess i have not really looked at the coding that much only enough to know there is a lua file that is called admin buttions so im guessing it use to work or somthing or trying to get it to work... i dont know anyways maby ill look at it for the of it alittle later see if i can understand some of it... if i end up fixing something ill do a post of what all i changed
if you insist on using a menu to kick/ban someone, try this
in your console type "bind p ulx menu" where p can be pretty much any button you want to use.
THis will open up your menu with the push of a button and no one will ever know about it. Although, personally I prefer good old fashioned ulx ban <name> from the console.. it's quicker =)
--- Quote from: zakap on November 07, 2007, 02:44:36 PM ---if you insist on using a menu to kick/ban someone, try this
in your console type "bind p ulx menu" where p can be pretty much any button you want to use.
THis will open up your menu with the push of a button and no one will ever know about it. Although, personally I prefer good old fashioned ulx ban <name> from the console.. it's quicker =)
--- End quote ---
true true but when u get them ppl comeing into the server with names like lIlIlI when L and I look the same in game when no cap and cap and other stuff like ¿¢£¥Øø? and much much more the nice fast option to hold tab sele thar name and kick, 1 hr ban, and ban omfg is fast and easy!!! most of all if they pop into the server just to try and crash it
and thank u so much for that info ^_^
Not sure if this has been asked yet, but is there anyway to change the spacing between the first set of input (email,xfire,msn, etc..)? Everyone i see that uses an email seems to have the ending cut off by the next set of inputs (buttons,ballons, etc..).
Is there a way to edit the scoreboard to move the second set to the right a couple spaces to avoid getting text overlay?
Would you guys mind if I went and remade a new scoreboard, based on the BASE gamemode's scoreboard, but used some of this one's code? I don't want to do it then be accused of stealing.
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