Author Topic: SVN Access  (Read 10047 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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SVN Access
« on: August 07, 2007, 11:10:36 PM »
Do not use this if you are faint of heart or if you're not willing to deal with a bug here and there. We always recommend and fully back up our latest release which you can get from the downloads section!

We have decided to try giving out public SVN access, if you don't know what SVN is or how to use it then this isn't for you.

URL for ULib:

URL for ULX:

Username: anonsvn
Pass: anonsvn

You won't be able to access anything off the SVN but these directories, so don't try.

Things you should know:
Again, we still (and always will) fully recommend our current release. Do not take using the SVN version lightly! We take no responsibility for any hardships or damage incurred in a worst-case scenario.

Also, we changed how ULib reads the users.txt and groups.txt files. It is recommended that you delete your current versions so ULib can rebuild from scratch, but our system should be backwards compatible (not fully tested).

All changes made since prior release are listed in the readme's, and these are updated as we add or fix more in the SVN. Just so you can know what you're getting, here's the changelogs so far

From ULX:
v3.20 - *(00/00/00)*
   * [ADD] ulx send - Allows admin to transport a player to another player (no more goto then bring!)
   * [ADD] ulx maul - Maul a player with fast zombies
   * [ADD] ulx gag - Silence individual player's microphone/sound input on voice enabled servers.
   * [FIX] ulx whip - No longer allows multiple whip sessions of an individual player at same time.
   * [FIX] ulx adduser - You no longer have to reconnect to get given access.
   * [FIX] Vastly improved ulx send, goto, and teleport. You should never get stuck in anything ever again.
   * [FIX] Various initialization functions trying to access a disconnected player
   * [FIX] Vastly improved reserved slots
   * [FIX] Can't spawn junk or suicide while frozen now.
   * [FIX] Coming out of spectate keeps god mode (if the player was given god with "ulx god")
   * [FIX] Can't use "ulx hp" to give 100000+ hp anymore (crashes players with default HUD).
   * [FIX] If you're authed twice, you won't get duplicates in autocomplete
   * [CHANGE] Commands that used player:spawn (ragdoll,spectate, more) now return player to health/armor they had previously.
   * [CHANGE] ulx whip - Now logs the interval (previously only logged damage and times whipped)
   * [CHANGE] ulx teleport. Can now teleport a player to where you are looking. Logs it if a player is specified.
   * [CHANGE] You can now specify entire directories in ulx addForcedDownload
   * [CHANGE] A few internal changes to the ULX base to compliment the new ULib UCL access string system
   * [CHANGE] ULX echoes come after the command now.
   * [CHANGE] Configs are now under /cfg/* instead of /lua/ulx/configs/*
   * [CHANGE] bring goto and teleport now zero out your velocity after moving you.
   * [CHANGE] bring and goto can now still move you when you would get stuck if you're noclipped.
   * [CHANGE] A hidden echo that is still shown to admins is now clearly labeled as such.
   * [CHANGE] ulx cexec now takes multiple targets. (This was the intended behavior)
   * [CHANGE] Lots of minor tweaks that would take too long to list. ;)
   * [CHANGE] All say commands require spaces after them except the "@" commands. (IE, "!slapbob" no longer slaps bob)
   * [CHANGE] Access to physgun players now uses the access string "ulx physgunplayer"
   * [CHANGE] Access to reserved slots now uses the access string "reservedslots"
   * [CHANGE] Complete rewrite of advert system. You probably won't notice any difference (except hostname fix), but the code is leaner and meaner.
   * [CHANGE] No interval option for ulx whip anymore, too easy to abuse.

From ULib:
v2.10 - *(00/00/00)*
   * [ADD] New hook library. Completely backwards compatible, but can now do priorities. (Server-side only)
   * [ADD] ULib.parseKeyValues, ULib.makeKeyValues
   * [ADD] ULib.getSpawnInfo, ULib.Spawn - Enhanced Spawn... will replace original health/armor when called if getSpawnInfo called first.
   * [FIX] Can now query players from client side.
   * [FIX] An exploit in DisallowDelete() that allowed players to still remove the props
   * [FIX] Various initialization functions trying to access a disconnected player
   * [FIX] ULib.csay() sending umsgs to invalid players.
   * [CHANGE] Big changes in ucl.query() and concommand functions. Probably won't be backwards compatible.
   * [CHANGE] UCL now uses our new keyvalues functions. It should be backwards compatible with your old data, but we make no promises. If you're having trouble with it, try starting from scratch.
   * [CHANGE] ULib.tsay has a wait parameter to send on next frame
   * [CHANGE] subconcommands are now case insensitive
   * [CHANGE] Csay's now have fade.
   * [CHANGE] DisallowSpawning() now implements SpawnObject. For example, people can't sit and precache props while in the ulx jail.
   * [CHANGE} Say commands are now case insensitive and default to needing a space between command and arg (can flag to use old behavior though)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 06:59:38 PM by Megiddo »
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Chironex

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Re: SVN Access
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 05:29:20 AM »
Hello, first nice changes :)

I've quickly tried the current svn version (38) in single player game,

Here is some things that i noticed, i will update this list each time i notice something:
Maybe some are caused because i've tested in single player? I'll try in our dedi soon anyway

- There is Timer errors when starting the game:
Code: [Select]
Timer Error: ulx/util.lua:579: attempt to call field 'GetVersion' (a nil value)
Timer Error: ulx/util.lua:579: attempt to call field 'GetVersion' (a nil value)

- I've reported a bug today (for chat commands), you said it was fixed but it's not, at least in this version.

- When you type ulx help in the console, you need to return in game then return in the console to see the help (or commands like ulx who)

- In the client menu, there is a command that we can't see, out of the window -> my suggestion (if possible): hmm how to explain..for each client make a panel with his current state, i mean instead of a button Mute and a button Unmute, only make one button Mute if he is not muted, and Unmute if he is muted. Good idea no?
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 05:38:17 AM by Kyzer »


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Re: SVN Access
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 02:08:10 PM »
I just download this and its great  ;D but i'm getting one problem. since the "motd.txt" is part of the SVN if you modify it tortoise svn says its damaged and wants to restore it :(

would it be possible to change it to like motd_example.txt that way the user can create their own that will be loaded and not get yelled at by the SVN client :P

Offline atomicspark

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Re: SVN Access
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 02:24:17 PM »
Think of the files in the add-ons folder as the default values. You should instead put changes you make into the proper folder, so you don't override the defaults. For example put the configs in the cfg folder (/garrysmod/cfg) and your motd.txt in garrysmod root (/garrysmod). The custom files override the defaults and won't get overwritten when you update your add-ons. This also keeps the add-ons in the original state.

Hope that clarifies things a bit. :)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 02:25:56 PM by atomicspark »


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Re: SVN Access
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2007, 04:29:00 PM »
Oh! I had no idea that the motd in the root would be checked AFTER the one in the ULX folder. That makes sense now.

Thanks  ;D