Well every things going good my junior year, first day. No problems with any of my classes.
I (nonetheless) had a feeling something was bound to go wrong, because our school counselors are dumbcraps.
Let's start with some background. (Over the course of may - now)
I sign up for my next year classes.
I change my band class to AP C++ Java, because band starts to suck.
I change my AP physics to AP bio, because it interests me more.
I get my schedule.
No AP C++. They put me in CISCO NETWORKING. yuck. x900.
I learn that the AP C++ was canceled. I stand in line TWO hours to get it changed to Graphics Class.
I get home and the SECOND I do, I notice they gave me zero period, which I didn't even fricken want.
Marching band
camp starts and I have no time to change it. I get my parents to stand in line and do it for me.
They change zero period math to 6th period. No problem, right? Wrong.
Today, classes start, and I'm standing outside my supposed 6th period math class which DOESN'T EXIST.
I go talk to the counselors and learn that the class does infact not exist, and that I was supposed to be in math 3rd period.
Problem? I have AP Bio third. They supposed me to be in two classes at the same time. Stupid? Yes.
Now I need to take it zero period again... /sigh