Author Topic: JamminR's addiction  (Read 2286 times)

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Offline JamminR

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JamminR's addiction
« on: August 17, 2007, 11:24:57 PM »
Though not off to school, I have events in life that are keeping me from spending my normally happy hours and hours doing something related to Gmod, whether it be building, coding, watching others build, playing with others code, etc etc.

I'll be checking the forums and email as usual, but won't have time to play as much as I'd like.

No idea when things will return to normal.

For those who care, It's mostly good, but still a pain in the neck.

"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline WildWill

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Re: JamminR's addiction
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2007, 05:02:31 AM »
Whatever it is I hope it's good and I hope your back soon! It won't be the same at all without you around as much.  :(

Offline JamminR

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Why JamminR is having to go cold turkey.
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 05:39:02 PM »
Well, ok, found a few minutes of break time.
Here is the quick rundown.
Many details will be left out. I can't say why. Wife just wants it that way.

It's amazing what one tragedy in life can help to assist with 'happy' events later.
Take for instance, the death of my brother in law late last year.
Many of those close to me know that he died while travelling to my inlaws last Christmas eve day.
(I'm not wanting any reaction here, its just the event which triggered, in many odd ways, where I am today)
That event led to various other (what I consider) odd events, and inlaws involvement, we started looking for a  new house.
No. Don't panic. The inlaws aren't moving in. At least, not that we know of. Yet.

Yesterday, today, and the next few days (and, unfortunately, maintaining for the next hopefully few weeks), I'm cleaning house.
I'm not talking just a dust rag and vacuum clean. I'm talking declutter shelves of computer parts, pack what isn't absolutely necessary, clean where the spot was made.
Why? It's not spring. Most people do spring cleaning during SPRING!

My wife and I made an offer on a house today. However, part of that offer includes us selling our current home. We currently have 'first right of refusal'.
What this means is that the seller can, and most certainally will, still try to sell the house to someone else. If someone else makes an offer on that house, we have 24 hours to say 'we'll buy it', or 'no, let them have it'
Trust me, we've looked at over 60 houses. The house we found is the best value for the money considering all the options we wanted to 'upgrade' to.

So, imagine 3 years of collecting pc parts. General clutter you thought you'd never have to move. Taking down items that for some reason people just can't see past when looking at a house.
It's ok though, my wife has gone through the same.
However, we're trying to have our current home ready to show by 8/20. We don't have any known appointments yet, but, the For Sale sign is finally up in our yard (We'd considered doing this for the past 2 months)
So, due to cleaning/packing/preparing to move when we do sell the house/moving when we buy the next house/unpacking when we move into the next house/getting internet up and running by the time we get into the next house and unpacked, I won't be online playing Gmod 40+ hours a week like normal.

Like I said previously, it's a good thing, but a pain in the neck (and other places)
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming