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Report Module 1.3

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Just a suggestion, make the command

--- Code: ---!report <player to be reported> <text>
ulx report <player to be reported> <text>
--- End code ---
so when gets logged you can have the reporter's name,  steamID, & message, & the other person's name & steamID.

This module can be used to report anything not just players

And what's wrong with writing

--- Code: ---!report Mingy is spamming melons!!
--- End code ---
instead of

--- Code: ---!report Mingy he is spamming melons!!
--- End code ---

Ok there is no steamid of the reported player, but the reporter could type "status" in console and copy/paste the steamid of the reported player in the message, if needed...but as these reports are logged into daily log files, it's easy to find his steamid.


First of all. Sorry for bumping an old thread. But i can't get this to work, so i thought it would be best to do it here, so other users also could read it, if they where in the same situation as me.

I'm using the newest svn version (165) and have ulx and ulib.
But i really can't get this to work. I don't know if it's outdated, or it's just me that have a problem.
I'm following the instructions by putting the reports.lua into \orangebox\garrysmod\addons\ulx\lua\ulx\modules
And that's it. I don't get any error at all.(server and clientside)
It's like it wont register the module. if i type "ulx report <text" in console, notthing happens. It's just saying
"Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your console."

Anyone got any idea what's wrong here?

This was not made for the SVN of ULX, it was made for release.

A bit confusing, we understand, but the mention of SVN in the first post is for SVN of ULX 3.2. At time of original post, ULX version 3.1 was out. (Our last 'release' was version 3.4)
A rewrite of the ULib code base occurred after 3.4, making most older releases, or their SVN, incompatible.

Once we do a full release of 3.5 (or whatever version the new code changes require), I personally plan on looking into some of the releases we currently have, and depending on the complexity, converting some. (Converting actually often makes the release smaller/easier to do a convert)

Some of the release authors here also still visit somewhat regularly, and may re-release for current codebase.
The author of this particular module was here in early March.


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