Author Topic: A little help with groups + stools etc..  (Read 3032 times)

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Offline wooly

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A little help with groups + stools etc..
« on: August 13, 2007, 02:28:40 PM »
Firstly, as always, many thanks for making such a great mod and having a team of dedicated guys like you really help keep the GMod community alive!

I have had ULX on my server for quite a while now, and have managed to grasp the basics.
Currently I have ULX and UTeam (alongside the SUI_Scoreboard) which are all super fantastic, but now I have started to make the server a bit better customised but I know i'm going about it all the wrong way.

My current setup is:
Groupwise there are Superadmin (me only), Admins, Senior Members, Members and Clients. This works fine.
The assigning of the user on the server is determined by the garrysmod/settings/users.txt file NOT how I would like it (I want it to be in the ULX one)
Uteam Basically is just assigning various things about each group.

Here are the files I have currently.
Code: [Select]
"R'-Wooly-" "STEAM_0:1:232773"

"gaz" "STEAM_0:1:12736796"
"Firebeast" "STEAM_0:0:11108463"
"cassius" "STEAM_0:0:14803568"

"senior member"
"Scotty" "STEAM_0:0:12994494"
"Saheeb" "STEAM_0_1_6877696"
"R'-Fluro-" "STEAM_0:0:9981093"

"Sharpshooter" "STEAM_0:1:6705134"
"Fatso666" "STEAM_0:0:15074698"
"Thugboy31" "STEAM_0:1:11113000"
"Master Fen" "STEAM_0:1:14379017"
"Shooty" "STEAM_0_0_15602444"

My Garysmod/Data/UTeam.txt file
(The variables for speed / health havent seemed to work since I added group number 5 (user) (Which on the scoreboard is called client :S ??)
Code: [Select]
"name" "Superadmin"
"group" "superadmin"
"armor" "1000"
"hp" "1000"
"a" "255"
"B" "3"
"g" "156"
"r" "7"
"1" "SprintSpeed:1000"
"2" "WalkSpeed:500"

"model" "alyx"
"name" "Admins"
"group" "admin"
"armor" "500"
"hp" "500"

"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "200"
"r" "255"
"name" "Senior Member"
"group" "senior member"
"armor" "200"
"hp" "200"
"a" "255"
"B" "238"
"g" "221"
"r" "68"
"name" "Member"
"group" "member"
"a" "255"
"B" "255"
"g" "0"
"r" "0"
"model" "breen"
"name" "user"
"group" "user"
"a" "255"
"B" "217"
"g" "51"
"r" "247"
"model" "mossman"
"1" "Sandbox"
"2" "SpaceBuild"
"3" "melonracer"
"4" "suicidebarrels"

Anyway after all that code what I would like to do is assign differnt abilites to differnt groups.
Super admin should be able to do anything.
Admins need to be able to do most things (Can they get access to the !adminmenu ?? as they cant currently change any of these values)
Senior members need to be able to kick / ban / ragdoll
members need to be able to !votekick
user doesnt need any abilities.

Is there also a way to limit certain stools to admins / senior members? This would be SO helpful!

If anyone could spend some time with me to answer ANY of these questions the help would be much appreciated!
If you need any more information or anything at all dont hesitate to ask for it.

Once again I can't thank anyone enough for their help.


One other thing I would love to know is there anyway I can add a person to a group ingame?

Offline JamminR

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Re: A little help with groups + stools etc..
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 04:42:18 PM »
Firstly, as always, many thanks for making such a great mod and having a team of dedicated guys like you really help keep the GMod community alive!

Your welcome! And, thank you!

Anyway after all that code what I would like to do is assign differnt abilites to differnt groups.
Super admin should be able to do anything.
Admins need to be able to do most things (Can they get access to the !adminmenu ?? as they cant currently change any of these values)
Senior members need to be able to kick / ban / ragdoll
members need to be able to !votekick
user doesnt need any abilities.

One other thing I would love to know is there anyway I can add a person to a group ingame?

See a post someone else made here at,1022.0.html
Though its long, many (all?) of your questions i quoted get answered.

Is there also a way to limit certain stools to admins / senior members? This would be SO helpful!

Not using ULX. There is a variable at the top of each stool file Garry made that when set, (true or false), allows admin only.
I forget the location of the files exactly, the name of the variable, and when set, exactly what level access is needed to use the stools.

I've not ever tinkered with UTeam to be able to assist you. Perhaps spbogie or another admin who's set it up will come along and help.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline wooly

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Re: A little help with groups + stools etc..
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 04:57:31 PM »
Ahhh great thanks very much for the link and assistance!

I have realised that it is SAT mod which is currently controlling the SUI scoreboard.. Is there anyway this can be changed to ULX because I'm trying to switch to only one admin mod!

Thanks alot again!

Offline MrPresident

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Re: A little help with groups + stools etc..
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2007, 09:01:00 PM »
Ahhh great thanks very much for the link and assistance!

I have realised that it is SAT mod which is currently controlling the SUI scoreboard.. Is there anyway this can be changed to ULX because I'm trying to switch to only one admin mod!

Thanks alot again!

yeah.. and im really.. 155% not being sarcastic.. delete SAT =) There is nothing in SAT that cant be done in ULX with UTeam installed. maybe some junk commands (what Conna was trying to avoid with SAT) but that's it.. and ULX has a way better interface IMO. (ex. No interface in case you didnt get it =) )

With SAT gone, and make sure you delete any residual code in the garrysmod/Data and garrysmod/Lua(maybe) folders. Once SAT is gone, ULX will begin to resume control of the things SAT had infested.

Personally I liked ServerSecure (before SAT) and choose to run both ULX and SS on my servers for some extra flexibility but anymore with the new things ULX can do.. there is no point cluttering up your server.