I try to do an advert that show an internet adress:
ulx addCsayAdvert "Join the Silent's Server Steam group now!\nhttp://steamcommunity.com/groups/silents_server" 255 0 0 180 10 a
But the // is parsed as a comment, so the ad is not showing at all. Any idea?
I have one, you should do something like that in the ulx.cc_addCsayAdvert or in the ulx.cc_addAdvert :
message = message:gsub( "<http>", "http://" )
So we can do
ulx addCsayAdvert "Join the Silent's Server Steam group now!\n<http>steamcommunity.com/groups/silents_server" 255 0 0 10 5 a
And it works

If you have another solution to display // please tell me :p