Hello, first nice changes

I've quickly tried the current svn version (38) in single player game,
Here is some things that i noticed, i will update this list each time i notice something:
Maybe some are caused because i've tested in single player? I'll try in our dedi soon anyway
- There is Timer errors when starting the game:
Timer Error: ulx/util.lua:579: attempt to call field 'GetVersion' (a nil value)
Timer Error: ulx/util.lua:579: attempt to call field 'GetVersion' (a nil value)
- I've reported a bug today (for chat commands), you said it was fixed but it's not, at least in this version.
- When you type ulx help in the console, you need to return in game then return in the console to see the help (or commands like ulx who)
- In the client menu, there is a command that we can't see, out of the window -> my suggestion (if possible): hmm how to explain..for each client make a panel with his current state, i mean instead of a button Mute and a button Unmute, only make one button Mute if he is not muted, and Unmute if he is muted. Good idea no?