Author Topic: Yet another person with group problems  (Read 5037 times)

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Offline Clone1B

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Yet another person with group problems
« on: September 14, 2007, 04:17:56 PM »
Right, here is another problem to add to the pile...

Anyway, I have 6 usergroups in my server, each with different privilages and things, after setting it all up and testing it now I have found that some of them arn't working.

For instance the usergroup "regular" is suppost to be able to get noclip, which dosn't work as it returns a "Do not have access" error.

Its probably a simple mingebag-esque mistake but I can't for the life of me see whats wrong.

This is my groups.txt

Code: [Select]

          "1" "ulx adminmenu"
          "2" "ulx ban"
          "3" "ulx blind"
          "4" "ulx bring"
          "5" "ulx clientmenu"
          "6" "ulx cloak"
          "7" "ulx csay"
          "8" "ulx ent"
          "9 "ulx exec"
          "10" "ulx freeze"
          "11" "ulx ghost"
          "12" "ulx gimp"
          "13" "ulx god"
          "14" "ulx goto"
          "15" "ulx hp"
          "16" "ulx ignite"
          "17" "ulx jail"
          "18" "ulx kick"
          "19" "ulx map"
          "20" "ulx mapsmenu"
          "21" "ulx mute"
          "22" "ulx noclip"
          "23" "ulx playsound"
          "24" "ulx ragdoll"
          "25" "ulx rcon"
          "26" "ulx slap"
          "27" "ulx slay"
          "28" "ulx spectate"
          "29" "ulx sslay"
          "30" "ulx teleport"
          "31" "ulx toolallow"
          "32" "ulx toolallowuser"
          "33" "ulx tooldeny"
          "34" "ulx tooldenyuser"
          "35" "ulx tsay"
          "36" "ulx unblind"
          "37" "ulx uncloak"
          "38" "ulx unfreeze"
          "39" "ulx unghost"
          "40" "ulx ungimp"
          "41" "ulx ungod"
          "42" "ulx unjail"
          "43" "ulx unmute"
          "44" "ulx unragdoll"
          "45" "ulx userallow"
          "46" "ulx userdeny"
          "47" "ulx veto"
          "48" "ulx vote"
          "49" "ulx voteban"
          "50" "ulx votekick"
          "51" "ulx votemap2"
          "52" "ulx whip"

"1" "ulx kick"
"2" "ulx noclip"
"3" "ulx ban"
"4" "ulx god"
"5" "ulx ungod"
"6" "ulx help"
"7" "ulx mute"
"8" "ulx unmute"
"9" "ulx psay"
"10" "ulx slap"
"11" "ulx spectate"
"12" "ulx teleport"
"13" "ulx tsay"
"14" "ulx veto"
"15" "ulx vote"
"16" "ulx votekick"
"17" "ulx voteban"

"1" "ulx noclip"
"2" "ulx votekick"
"3" "ulx voteban"
"4" "ulx spectate"

"1" "ulx noclip"
"2" "ulx votekick"

"1" "ulx noclip"

This is my users.txt
Code: [Select]
"Francis 'Phobia' Barrels"
"type" "steamid"
"1" "regular"
"id" "STEAM_0:1:10722326"

And if its useful here is my uteams.txt file as well
Code: [Select]
"name" "Server Owner"
"group" "superadmin"
"a" "255"
"B" "250"
"g" "0"
"r" "150"

"name" "Admin"
"group" "admin"
"a" "255"
"B" "50"
"g" "50"
"r" "255"
"name" "Moderator"
"group" "moderator"
"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "140"
"r" "250"
"1" "weapon_physgun"
"2" "gmod_tool"
"3" "gmod_camera"
"4" "weapon_physcannon"
"name" "Donator"
"group" "donator"
"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "240"
"r" "250"
"1" "weapon_physgun"
"2" "gmod_tool"
"3" "gmod_camera"
"4" "weapon_physcannon"
"name" "Regular"
"group" "regular"
"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "210"
"r" "0"
"1" "weapon_physgun"
"2" "gmod_tool"
"3" "gmod_camera"
"4" "weapon_physcannon"
"name" "Visitor"
"group" "user"
"a" "255"
"B" "240"
"g" "198"
"r" "0"
"1" "weapon_physgun"
"2" "gmod_tool"
"3" "gmod_camera"
"4" "weapon_physcannon"
"1" "Sandbox"
"2" "SpaceBuild"

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 04:26:01 PM »
Please read our access sticky.

If it doesn't answer your question or you need further help, please make sure you post the information it asks for into this thread. If you don't post the information it asks for, you will be ignored. We mainly need the output from PrintTable( ULib.ucl )
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Offline Clone1B

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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2007, 05:28:23 PM »
Right, I'm using ULib 2.05 and the latest non-SVN ULX, and its a dedicated server yes

This is what I got from the first two commands

Code: [Select]
hostname: CloneWorks Community | PHX WiresSVN Rails | Dedicated
version : 3152 secure
udp/ip :
map : gm_construct_extendedfix at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 0 (8 max)

# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr
L 09/15/2007 - 11:49:21: rcon from "": command "status"

> PrintTable( ULib.ucl )...
initClient = function: 0252E6D0
passTimeout = function: 0252FAF8
checkPass = function: 0252FA50
checkAuth = function: 0252FAE0
1 = function: 0252E6D0
2 = function: 02530710
3 = function: 0292BEA4
addGroup = function: 0252F630
addUser = function: 0252F618
addAccessCallback = function: 0252E730
Player [NULL]:
type = steamid
1 = regulars
2 = user
account = Francis 'Phobia' Barrels
id = STEAM_0:1:10722326
uniqueid = 1231247501
Player [NULL]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = superadmin
id =
account = Clone1B
uniqueid = 3091013824
Player [NULL]:
type = steamid
1 = regular
2 = user
account = Francis 'Phobia' Barrels
id = STEAM_0:1:10722326
uniqueid = 1231247501
Player [NULL]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = Francis 'Phobia' Barrels
uniqueid = 1231247501
Player [NULL]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = superadmin
id =
account = Clone1B
uniqueid = 3091013824
Player [NULL]:
type = steamid
1 = regular
2 = user
account = Francis 'Phobia' Barrels
id = STEAM_0:1:10722326
uniqueid = 1231247501
Francis 'Phobia' Barrels:
type = steamid
1 = regular
id = STEAM_0:1:10722326
pass =
query = function: 0252EB20
removeUser = function: 0252F7F8
probe = function: 0252FA38
donator =

toolallow =

unmute =

map =

veto =

ulx = noclip
sslay =

= 2
kick =

42 =
52 =
36 =
46 =
votemap2 =

= ulx
uncloak =

playsound =

deny =

ban =

16 =
jail =

exec =

22 =
32 =
ghost =

spectate =

tooldeny =

mute =

1 =
3 =
2 =
5 = ulx clientmenu
4 =
unghost =

6 =
8 =

slay =

regular =

votekick =

god =

9 = ulx
tsay =

40 =
50 =
allow =

psay =

34 =
44 =
48 =
vote =

28 =
38 =
help =

12 =

= 51
ungod =

= 1

= allow


= moderator
user =

7 = ulx csay
18 =
voteban =

26 =
14 =
24 =
hp =

userallow =

20 =
30 =
rcon =

10 =
callCallbacks = function: 0252E718
L 09/15/2007 - 11:48:09: rcon from "": command "lua_run PrintTable( ULib.ucl )"

The third command however returns this:
Code: [Select]
> PrintTable( util.KeyValuesToTable( file.Read( "../settings/users.txt" ) ) )...
clone1b = STEAM_0:1:8573773
L 09/15/2007 - 11:46:03: rcon from "": command "lua_run PrintTable( util.KeyValuesToTable( file.Read( "../settings/users.txt" ) ) )"

« Last Edit: September 15, 2007, 03:46:20 AM by Clone1B »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2007, 07:49:29 PM »
We highlight, underlined, and bolded "must be run at server console" for a reason. :P
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Offline Clone1B

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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 03:38:45 AM »
Right, I'v updated the previous post with stuff from the server console now.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2007, 03:43:14 AM by Clone1B »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2007, 08:54:18 AM »
You were missing a double quote (") after your 9 in groups.txt...
Code: [Select]
          "9 "ulx exec"
Also garry's function is sometimes particular about spacing so here's the file back with correct spacing:
Code: [Select]

"1" "ulx adminmenu"
"2" "ulx ban"
"3" "ulx blind"
"4" "ulx bring"
"5" "ulx clientmenu"
"6" "ulx cloak"
"7" "ulx csay"
"8" "ulx ent"
"9" "ulx exec"
"10" "ulx freeze"
"11" "ulx ghost"
"12" "ulx gimp"
"13" "ulx god"
"14" "ulx goto"
"15" "ulx hp"
"16" "ulx ignite"
"17" "ulx jail"
"18" "ulx kick"
"19" "ulx map"
"20" "ulx mapsmenu"
"21" "ulx mute"
"22" "ulx noclip"
"23" "ulx playsound"
"24" "ulx ragdoll"
"25" "ulx rcon"
"26" "ulx slap"
"27" "ulx slay"
"28" "ulx spectate"
"29" "ulx sslay"
"30" "ulx teleport"
"31" "ulx toolallow"
"32" "ulx toolallowuser"
"33" "ulx tooldeny"
"34" "ulx tooldenyuser"
"35" "ulx tsay"
"36" "ulx unblind"
"37" "ulx uncloak"
"38" "ulx unfreeze"
"39" "ulx unghost"
"40" "ulx ungimp"
"41" "ulx ungod"
"42" "ulx unjail"
"43" "ulx unmute"
"44" "ulx unragdoll"
"45" "ulx userallow"
"46" "ulx userdeny"
"47" "ulx veto"
"48" "ulx vote"
"49" "ulx voteban"
"50" "ulx votekick"
"51" "ulx votemap2"
"52" "ulx whip"

"1" "ulx kick"
"2" "ulx noclip"
"3" "ulx ban"
"4" "ulx god"
"5" "ulx ungod"
"6" "ulx help"
"7" "ulx mute"
"8" "ulx unmute"
"9" "ulx psay"
"10" "ulx slap"
"11" "ulx spectate"
"12" "ulx teleport"
"13" "ulx tsay"
"14" "ulx veto"
"15" "ulx vote"
"16" "ulx votekick"
"17" "ulx voteban"

"1" "ulx noclip"
"2" "ulx votekick"
"3" "ulx voteban"
"4" "ulx spectate"

"1" "ulx noclip"
"2" "ulx votekick"

"1" "ulx noclip"
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Offline Clone1B

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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2007, 12:10:05 PM »
Thanks! Its hard as to proof read your own stuff.

I'll let you know if this solves the problem

Offline Clone1B

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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2007, 06:33:26 AM »
The new groups.txt supplied has sorted out all of the permissions except one. Whenever anyone tries "ulx noclip" they always get the do-not-have-access error, even as a superadmin. I have added it to the allow list but it dosn't seem to help.

Anyone know a likely cause?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 06:38:35 AM by Clone1B »


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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2007, 08:45:06 AM »
I'm not one to comment as I know sfa about LUA but I see a trend?

Under "users" shouldn't it have "allow" instead of "deny" then "deny" at the end?


Offline Megiddo

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Re: Yet another person with group problems
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2007, 09:10:18 AM »
Doesn't matter P1cwh0r3 :)
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.