Author Topic: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.  (Read 4598 times)

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Offline arcooke

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Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« on: November 03, 2007, 11:42:28 AM »
I've searched for this problem and haven't come up with anything.  I went through all of the steps in the access problems sticky word for word, still no help.  I have the latest SVN of both ULib and ULX.

Basically I'm being recognized by my server as a superadmin, my permissions are set, but for some reason I can't do certain things with ULX.  Here's an example.. read my console log.

Code: [Select]
[UCL] Access set.
Hey 'noodle' - You're in the 'superadmin' group on this server.
This server is running ULib version 2.10.
ULX version 3.21 (BETA) SVN revision 103 loaded.
] ulx god noo
(ADMIN) Noodle granted god mode to Noodle
] ulx groupallow user "ulx votekick"
These commands are complicated! You must first read the help. Use "ulx usermanagementhelp" in console to see it.
] ulx usermanagementhelp
Sorry, Noodle, this is an advanced help function for admins to use.

 I had the same problem when trying to use "ulx adduser".  At this point it's impossible for me to add new admins via the console, even though I am a superadmin.  It's ignoring my superadmin for some strange reason, yet I'm allowed to do just about anything else (god, kick, ban, etc).  For the record I have no special user groups.  This is also a brand new server so no old versions of ULX/ULib are present.

Also, while I'm here, another quick question related to SVN.  I have modified my server.ini and my motd.txt, and because of that they are flagged by TortoiseSVN as being changed (theres a red exclamation point icon on my ULX folder icon).  Is there a way to ignore these files so they don't get overwritten next time I do a SVN update?

The owner of the server I used to play on was having the exact same problem as me.  He wasn't able to fix it either.  Any ideas?

Code: [Select]
ULX version: 3.21 (BETA) SVN revision 103
ULib version: 2.10
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_hugehalfflatgrass
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            id lsh created
Noodle                          STEAM_0:1:855372   1  n   442

ULib.ucl.users (#=0):

ULib.ucl.groups (#=5):
1 = ulx hiddenecho
2 = ulx rcon
3 = ulx luarun
4 = ulx cexec
5 = ulx ent
6 = ulx adduser
7 = ulx removeuser
8 = ulx userallow
9 = ulx userdeny
10 = ulx addgroup
11 = ulx removegroup
12 = ulx groupallow
13 = ulx groupdeny
14 = overcomeimmunity
1 = admin
1 = ulib_passtime
2 = ulib_passtimeout
3 = ulx spawnecho
4 = ulx tsay
5 = ulx csay
6 = ulx gimp
7 = ulx mute
8 = ulx ungimp
9 = ulx unmute
10 = ulx gag
11 = ulx ungag
12 = ulx chattime
13 = ulx welcomemessage
14 = ulx slap
15 = ulx whip
16 = ulx slay
17 = ulx sslay
18 = ulx ignite
19 = ulx playsound
20 = ulx freeze
21 = ulx unfreeze
22 = ulx god
23 = ulx ungod
24 = ulx noclip
25 = ulx hp
26 = ulx cloak
27 = ulx uncloak
28 = ulx blind
29 = ulx unblind
30 = ulx jail
31 = ulx unjail
32 = ulx ghost
33 = ulx unghost
34 = ulx ragdoll
35 = ulx unragdoll
36 = ulx maul
37 = ulx adminmenu
38 = ulx clientmenu
39 = ulx mapsmenu
40 = ulx showmotd
41 = ulx banmenu
42 = ulx exec
43 = ulx rslotsmode
44 = ulx rslots
45 = ulx rslotsvisible
46 = ulx reservedslots
47 = ulx bring
48 = ulx goto
49 = ulx send
50 = ulx teleport
51 = ulx tooldeny
52 = ulx toolallow
53 = ulx tooldenyuser
54 = ulx toolallowuser
55 = ulx tooldenyoverride
56 = ulx map
57 = ulx kick
58 = ulx ban
59 = ulx banid
60 = ulx unban
61 = ulx spectate
62 = ulx mingekick
63 = ulx physgunplayer
64 = ulx vote
65 = ulx votemap2
66 = ulx votekick
67 = ulx voteban
68 = ulx veto
1 = operator
1 = ulx
2 = ulx help
3 = ulx psay
4 = ulx asay
5 = ulx thetime
6 = ulx menu
7 = ulx_valueupdate
8 = ulx_cvar
9 = ulx_getgamemodes
10 = ulx motd
11 = ulx_getbans
12 = ulx usermanagementhelp
13 = ulx who
14 = ulx votemap
1 = ulx logecho
2 = ulx logfile
3 = ulx logevents
4 = ulx logchat
5 = ulx logspawns
6 = ulx logspawnsecho
7 = ulx logdir
8 = ulx addgimpsay
9 = ulx addadvert
10 = ulx addcsayadvert
11 = ulx addforceddownload
12 = ulx debuginfo
13 = ulx voteecho
14 = ulx votemap2successratio
15 = ulx votemap2minvotes
16 = ulx votekicksuccessratio
17 = ulx votekickminvotes
18 = ulx votebansuccessratio
19 = ulx votebanminvotes
20 = ulx votemapenabled
21 = ulx votemapmintime
22 = ulx votemapwaittime
23 = ulx votemapsuccessratio
24 = ulx votemapminvotes
25 = ulx votemapvetotime
26 = ulx votemapmapmode
27 = ulx votemapaddmap
1 = ulx seeasay

ULib.ucl.authed (#=2):
Player [NULL]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = superadmin
id =
account = Noodle
uniqueid = 2569615814
Player [1][Noodle]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = superadmin
id =
account = Noodle
uniqueid = 2569615814

Garrysmod default file (#=2):
$f'*col*' sub-stance = STEAM_0:1:11770115
noodle = STEAM_0:1:855372

Active addons on this server:
Adv Duplicator           by TAD2020, version 1.836 (July 5th 2007)
Conna's Tools Pack       by Conna, version 1.4 ((null))
counter-strike           by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat            by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
default_sent_pack        by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)
derma                    by , version 0.1 (17th July 2007)
DoorSTool                by High6, version v1.6b (December 19th 2006)
GMOW-v3 Cars Part2       by Solid_Granite, GiGaBiTe, version 3.2b (November 29th, 2006)
Laser STOOL              by MadJawa, version 1.1 (31st May 2007)
LifeSupport2             by LS/RD/SB Team, version 1.0.1 (Today)
no_collide_multi         by Narkaleptic, version 1.1 (December 19th 2006)
phx                      by PhoeniX-Storms & 1/4 Life, version 5 (3rd Febuary 2007)
PHXtended                by Scragnog, version 1 ((null))
phxtri-beta              by Das Great & PhoeniX-Storms, version 0.1 (21th June 2007)
Rails                    by Dragon90101/Mr. Altaco, version 1 ()
RD2                      by TAD2020, version 2 (Sept 28, 2007)
Sensor Tool              by Conna, version 1 ((null))
Simple Prop Protection   by Spaceetech, version  ()
smartsnap                by Syranide, version 0.9.1 ()
smart_welding            by Duncan Stead, version 2.1 (7th August 2007)
Stacker                  by OverloadUT, version 2.2 (19th January 2007)
Uclip                    by Megiddo (Team Ulysses), version 1.1 (08/27/07)
ulib                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.1 (09/23/07)
ulx                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.2 (09/23/07)
Unbreakable              by Chaussetteā„¢, version 1.1 (28th January 2007)
WeightSTool              by Spoco, version 1.21 ((null))
WingSTool                by Packrat, version 1.1 (14th Dec 2006)
wire                     by Wire Team, version 0.9.6 (25st March 2007)
wire model pack 1        by Team Wire, version 0.3 (25st March 2007)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 01:46:23 PM by arcooke »

Offline spbogie

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Re: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 12:34:16 PM »
You obviously didn't follow every step in the access sticky, or there would be more information in your post. Go back and read it again, and come back with what it asks for.

For the svn problem, move your server.ini and motd.txt files out of addons. motd.txt should go in the gmod root, and server.ini in gmod/cfg/.
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Offline arcooke

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Re: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 01:47:10 PM »
Dump added to first post.  Forgot to paste that in there, sorry.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2007, 05:24:47 PM »
 Check your server gmod/data/Ulib/Users.txt .. is it blank/empty?
If not, post it here please?
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2007, 09:37:28 PM »
It's got you both as a guest and a superadmin. Something is very wrong with your users.txt. Delete is and try again.

Jam, users.txt is fine, you can see it inside his dump. :)
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2007, 11:34:34 PM »
ULib.ucl.users (#=0):

I thought since that was blank, that his users.txt might be blank.
His authed is what has him twice.
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Offline arcooke

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Re: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2007, 01:14:42 AM »
 Check your server gmod/data/Ulib/Users.txt .. is it blank/empty?
If not, post it here please?

I don't have a garrysmod\data\ulib\users.txt.  In that folder I have bans.txt, groups.txt, and misc_registered.txt.  For what it's worth, when I added myself as superadmin, I used garrysmod\settings\users.txt as described at .  The readme file said I could do that.

Quote from: Megiddo
It's got you both as a guest and a superadmin. Something is very wrong with your users.txt. Delete is and try again.

I saw that and thought it was weird too.. having me as a guest and as a superadmin.  There shouldn't be anything wrong with my users.txt, though.  I basically just filled in the blanks from the default file.  Here are the contents of that file.

Code: [Select]
// This is your users file
// You can use this file to add people as admins on your server
// Add them to the relevant section
// If you're a Lua coder you can add your own sections and use them
// in your script by doing pl:IsUserGroup( "admin" ) etc

"Noodle" "STEAM_0:1:855372"
"$F'*Col*' Sub-Stance" "STEAM_0:1:11770115"

//"garry" "STEAM_0:1:7099"


I didn't do anything special when I installed ULX/ULib.  I created their folders in my addons directory, loaded them up using SVN, edited my MOTD, edited my server.ini, and edited the users.txt to add myself (just basic settings for each).  And keep in mind this was on a fresh server install where nothing else was changed beforehand other than setting my rcon password.  Also keep in mind the owner of the server I used to play on just a week ago updated ULX and ended up having the identical problem as me.  All his admins got messed up and it said he didn't have access to re-add them (including me).  He got the same error I did.  Any chance the latest version is bugged?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 01:17:40 AM by arcooke »

Offline JamminR

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Re: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2007, 06:39:26 AM »
I don't have a garrysmod\data\ulib\users.txt.  In that folder I have bans.txt, groups.txt, and misc_registered.txt.  For what it's worth, when I added myself as superadmin, I used garrysmod\settings\users.txt as described at .  The readme file said I could do that.

For the first time setup, following those instructions is actually preferred by us. Thank you for reading the readme!

The fact you are missing the users.txt file is of concern. ULib should create the file upon startup.
When your server starts up, do you get any errors regarding ULib?

I saw that and thought it was weird too.. having me as a guest and as a superadmin.

I wasn't too concerned with this. Though Megiddo/spbogie would definitely know whether it should appear this way or not, it was the 'authorized' list that had you twice.
When you joined the server, you were a guest. While connected, you used console adduser to add yourself. It is my belief that until you rejoin the server (when users.txt is working), you would appear twice in that output.
Once you rejoined (only if users.txt was working/had stored you), I believe you would only appear once in the ULib.ucl.auth list.

There shouldn't be anything wrong with my users.txt, though.  I basically just filled in the blanks from the default file.  Here are the contents of that file.
Code: [Select]
"$F'*Col*' Sub-Stance" "STEAM_0:1:11770115"

Syntax-wise, your users.txt looks fine(brackets, quotes, etc). However, try this... ULib -may- be having trouble parsing Substance's name during load up.
AFTER seeing if you are getting any errors from ULib/ULX during startup about reading/creating a gmod/data/ULib/users.txt file, try editing the way they appear in your settings/users.txt file. I notice, at least in your posts, that single quotes ' are included. I've seen many scripting languages not like or interpret these quite differently than expected. Try changing it to something like "*Col* Sub-Stance" or similar.

He got the same error I did.  Any chance the latest version is bugged?

With SVN, yes, always the chance. Though SVN allows us to continually try to improve ULX and ULib as a team ... it also increases the chance of bugs several times over for the end user. SVN is a symbiotic relationship. Together, we try to improve. You get latest features, but get to tell us when something we added isn't working (or, broke something of old)
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Offline spbogie

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Re: Yet another access problem. I'm stumped.
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2007, 08:17:26 AM »
The name shouldn't be affecting it.

I was having very similar issues (debuginfo output wise) with a mallformed users.txt file earlier, but it is odd that it wouldn't be creating it at all.

If you have access to the dedicated server console, please check that for any errors while it is starting up. You should see to sections boxed out with /////////'s where ULib and ULX load, make sure both of these are there, and that there aren't any errors as they load up. If you see any, copy them, and paste back here (instructions for copying in the FAQ sticky).

If there aren't any errors, try creating a blank users.txt file in /gmod/data/ULib/ and see if that does anything.

Also, feel free to contact me through xfire or steam (spbogie on both). It's faster to help that way.
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