Author Topic: .ini limit ?  (Read 4089 times)

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Offline Chironex

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.ini limit ?
« on: October 07, 2007, 12:14:59 AM »

The server.ini seem to be limited to 155 commands, after 155 nothing is executed :(. I've tried to split it into server.ini + sandbox.ini, it doesn't help, still 155. Could you try this .ini and tell me if you have the same problem (require uppl and my cvar module) ? This is not a problem with anything in this file (i've tried moving things, still the same problem). Also, with or without blank lines/comments doesn't change anything, i removed them to count how many commands i had.

Code: [Select]
ulx mingekick 1
ulx showMotd 1
ulx chattime 3
ulx logFile 1
ulx logEvents 1
ulx logChat 1
ulx logSpawns 1
ulx logSpawnsEcho 1
ulx logDir "ulx_logs"
ulx logEcho 2
ulx rslotsMode 1
ulx rslots 1
ulx rslotsVisible 1
ulx votemapEnabled 1
ulx votemapMintime 10
ulx votemapWaittime 5
ulx votemapSuccessratio 0.4
ulx votemapMinvotes 3
ulx votemapVetotime 30
ulx votemapMapmode 1
ulx voteEcho 0
ulx votemap2Successratio 0.5
ulx votemap2Minvotes 3
ulx votekickSuccessratio 0.6
ulx votekickMinvotes 2
ulx votebanSuccessratio 0.7
ulx votebanMinvotes 3
ulx addGimpSay "I'm a noooob."
ulx addGimpSay "How do you fly?"
ulx addGimpSay "All i can do is be a noob"
ulx addGimpSay "I'm a Mingebag!!"
ulx addGimpSay "I like exploding stuff (noob)"
ulx addGimpSay "What's that gun to move stuff?"
ulx addGimpSay "I keep repeating myself cos im an ass!"
ulx addGimpSay "And if i keep spamming chat im getting banned :)"
ulx addGimpSay "It's coming i can see the ban coming"
ulx addGimpSay "how do i score 100 points?"
ulx addGimpSay "This is what happens when u be a noob"
ulx welcomemessage "Welcome to %host%! We're playing %curmap%."
ulx addCsayAdvert "You're playing on %host%, enjoy your stay!" 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "This server is running ULX Admin Mod version %ulx_version%." 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "Join the Silent's Server Steam group now!\n<http>steamcommunity.com/groups/silents_server" 255 0 0 180 15 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "If you SPAM you get BANNED!" 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "Build in peace" 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "Respect the rules or be banned!" 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "Type !infos to see the rules" 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "Type !report to report a spammer, a bug, or something else!" 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "Tolerance ZERO for spammers and crashers!" 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "Do not ask to be admin, we'll ask you if we need one!" 255 0 0 180 7 a
ulx addForcedDownload "materials/silents_server" 1
ulx addForcedDownload "sound/silents_server" 1
ulx tooldeny smartwelder
uppl_add models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_junk/propane_tank001a.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/flakshell_big.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_phx/ww2bomb.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_phx/torpedo.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_phx/oildrum001_explosive.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_phx/ball.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_c17/column02a.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_c17/utilitypole01d.mdl 16
uppl_add models/props_buildings/building_002a.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/building_002a.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/collapsedbuilding02b.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_buildings/collapsedbuilding02c.mdl 16
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building01.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building02.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building03.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_destroyedbuildings01.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_church_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_corner_1_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_1_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_2_ascend_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_2_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/watertower_001a.mdl 16
uppl_add models/props_buildings/watertower_002a.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge01.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge02.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge03a.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge03b.mdl 5
uppl_add models/props_combine/combine_citadel001.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_001a.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster01b.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02a.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02b.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02c.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/cargo_container01.mdl 30
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/cargo_container01b.mdl 30
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/cargo_container01c.mdl 30
uppl_add models/props/de_nuke/storagetank.mdl 3
uppl_add models/props/de_train/biohazardtank.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_phx/oildrum001.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/big_ramp.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/small_ramp.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_phx/rocket1.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_phx/playfield.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/tower.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/evildisc_corp.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/road_curve.mdl 6
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/road_short.mdl 6
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/road_medium.mdl 6
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl 6
uppl_add models/trailer1.mdl 4
uppl_add models/ramps/ramp1.mdl 4
uppl_add models/ramps/ramp2.mdl 2
ulx addCvarButton "Enable Global Godmode" "Disable Global Godmode" "sbox_godmode"
ulx addCvarButton "Enable Noclip" "Disable Noclip" "sbox_noclip"
ulx addCvarButton "Enable NPCs" "Disable NPCs" "sbox_allownpcs"
ulx addCvarButton "Disable PvP Damage" "Enable PvP Damage" "sbox_plpldamage"
ulx addCvarButton "[CDS] Enable" "[CDS] Disable" "CDS_Enabled"
ulx addCvarButton "[UPL] For admins" "[UPL] For players only" "uppl_affectadmins"
ulx addCvarButton "[UPL] Disable" "[UPL] Enable" "uppl_disabled"
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Balloons:" "sbox_maxballoons" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Buttons:" "sbox_maxbuttons" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Dynamites:" "sbox_maxdynamite" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Effects:" "sbox_maxeffects" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Emitters:" "sbox_maxemitters" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Hoverballs:" "sbox_maxhoverballs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Lamps:" "sbox_maxlamps" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod NPCs:" "sbox_maxnpcs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Props:" "sbox_maxprops" 200
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Ragdolls:" "sbox_maxragdolls" 20 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod SENTs:" "sbox_maxsents" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Spawners:" "sbox_maxspawners" 3 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Thrusters:" "sbox_maxthrusters" 20 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Turrets:" "sbox_maxturrets" 5 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Vehicles:" "sbox_maxvehicles" 5 1
ulx addCvarSlider "GMod Wheels:" "sbox_maxwheels" 20 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Address Buses:" "sbox_maxwire_addressbuss" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Adv Inputs:" "sbox_maxwire_adv_inputs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Buttons:" "sbox_maxwire_buttons" 20 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Colorers:" "sbox_maxwire_colorers" 2 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire CPUs:" "sbox_maxwire_cpus" 2 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Data (Sat. dishs):" "sbox_maxwire_data_satellitedishs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Data (Stores):" "sbox_maxwire_data_stores" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Data (Transferers):" "sbox_maxwire_data_transferers" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Data (Plugs):" "sbox_maxwire_dataplugs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Data (Ports):" "sbox_maxwire_dataports" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Data (Sockets):" "sbox_maxwire_datasockets" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Detonators:" "sbox_maxwire_detonators" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Dual Inputs:" "sbox_maxwire_dual_inputs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Emitters:" "sbox_maxwire_emitters" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Explosives:" "sbox_maxwire_explosive" 5 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Explosives (S):" "sbox_maxwire_simple_explosive" 5 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Forcers:" "sbox_maxwire_forcers" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (All):" "sbox_maxwire_gates" 20 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (Comp):" "sbox_maxwire_gate_comparisons" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (Duplexer):" "sbox_maxwire_gate_duplexer" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (Expression):" "sbox_maxwire_gate_expressions" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (Logic):" "sbox_maxwire_gate_logics" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (Memory):" "sbox_maxwire_gate_memorys" 10 1 // <---------------------------------------------- THIS STOP HERE
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (Select):" "sbox_maxwire_gate_selections" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (Time):" "sbox_maxwire_gate_times" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gates (Trig):" "sbox_maxwire_gate_trigs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire GPS:" "sbox_maxwire_gpss" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Grabbers:" "sbox_maxwire_grabbers" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Graphic Tablets:" "sbox_maxwire_graphics_tablets" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Gyroscopes:" "sbox_maxwire_gyroscopes" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Hard Drives:" "sbox_maxwire_hdds" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Hologram Emitters:" "sbox_maxwire_holoemitters" 2 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Hologram Grids:" "sbox_maxwire_hologrids" 4 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Hoverballs:" "sbox_maxwire_hoverballs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Igniters:" "sbox_maxwire_igniters" 2 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Indicators:" "sbox_maxwire_indicators" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Inputs:" "sbox_maxwire_inputs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Keyboards:" "sbox_maxwire_keyboards" 2 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Lamps:" "sbox_maxwire_lamps" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Las Receivers:" "sbox_maxwire_las_receivers" 4 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Lights:" "sbox_maxwire_lights" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Locators:" "sbox_maxwire_locators" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Nailers:" "sbox_maxwire_nailers" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Numpads:" "sbox_maxwire_numpads" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Oscilloscopes:" "sbox_maxwire_oscilloscopes" 2 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Outputs:" "sbox_maxwire_outputs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Panels:" "sbox_maxwire_panels" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Pixels:" "sbox_maxwire_pixels" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Plugs:" "sbox_maxwire_plugs" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Pods Ctrl:" "sbox_maxwire_pods" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Radios:" "sbox_maxwire_radioes" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Radios (2 ways):" "sbox_maxwire_twoway_radioes" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Rangers:" "sbox_maxwire_rangers" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Relays:" "sbox_maxwire_relays" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Screens:" "sbox_maxwire_screens" 5 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Screens (Cons):" "sbox_maxwire_consolescreens" 3 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Screens (Digit):" "sbox_maxwire_digitalscreens" 3 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Screens (TS):" "sbox_maxwire_textscreens" 4 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Screens (TS Adv):" "sbox_maxwire_textscreen_adv" 4 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Sensors:" "sbox_maxwire_sensors" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Sockets:" "sbox_maxwire_sockets" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Spawners:" "sbox_maxwire_spawners" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Speedometers:" "sbox_maxwire_speedometers" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Target Finders:" "sbox_maxwire_target_finders" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Thrusters:" "sbox_maxwire_thrusters" 20 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Turrets:" "sbox_maxwire_turrets" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Users:" "sbox_maxwire_users" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Values:" "sbox_maxwire_values" 10 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Water Sensors:" "sbox_maxwire_watersensors" 3 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Waypoints:" "sbox_maxwire_waypoints" 8 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Weights:" "sbox_maxwire_weights" 4 1
ulx addCvarSlider "Wire Wheels:" "sbox_maxwire_wheels" 20 1

So, just open the admin menu and see if the last slider is "Wire Gates (Memory):".

« Last Edit: October 07, 2007, 12:19:11 AM by Kyzer »

Offline JamminR

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Re: .ini limit ?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2007, 12:50:15 AM »
file.Read memory 8kb limit?
I've posted your text into a file. Saved it. It's 12kb.
If I cut off up to your comment, save again, its ~8kb.

I can't find any limit mentioned, but 8kb sounds like a reasonable memory block size.

Only thing I can think of at this late hour. I'm going to bed.
Will think about workaround later if you don't find one.
"exec" perhaps?
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline spbogie

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Re: .ini limit ?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2007, 09:01:57 AM »
I noticed that everything after the point where it "stops" is an "ulx addCvarSlider" command, and there are quite a few before that aswell. How do you know it is stopping? Is it just because no more sliders get added? Perhapse the limit is in the sliders instead. I'll have to take a look at the code for it, but that seems like a likely cause, and would also explain why it doesn't help to split it into multiple files.
Try putting something else that you will be able to notice after the stop point and let us know if it works.
If you can see the console output then this should work:
Code: [Select]
echo ###################################################################
echo #############################IT GOT HERE###########################
echo ###################################################################
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Offline Chironex

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Re: .ini limit ?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2007, 09:28:54 AM »
Well in fact i discovered this because almost all uppl limits was not working after adding my sliders and buttons at the top of the config file (buttons and sliders were all working). Then i moved them all at the bottom and so i saw that after 155 commands, nothing is executed.

I believe the problem is what JamminR said about file.Read limit,  but

1) if this is the case, why blank lines and comments are ignored, they are still read by file.Read, no ? You could put 1000 comments at the top of the file, it will be much bigger than 8kb, but still 155 commands are executed.

2) i've tried to put all my addCvar.. in sandbox.ini, and still 155 commands max.

Also i was thinking about adding more addCvar.. and uppl limits, lol :'(

Offline JamminR

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Re: .ini limit ?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2007, 09:57:52 AM »
I believe lua compiles in memory on the fly, and blank lines and comments are removed during this compile.
I could see file.Read perhaps acting the same way, ignoring the actual file size, but only having an 8kb memory block available to read actual data.
Just my theory, I don't have evidence other than this conversation.

Try using
server.ini (base commands)
In Server.ini, have a
ulx exec uppl_one.cfg
If you reach 8k of limits.
then ulx exec upple_two.cfg
then do same for addcvar_wire_one.cfg and addcvar_wire_two.cfg

« Last Edit: October 07, 2007, 10:46:10 AM by JamminR »
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Megiddo

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Re: .ini limit ?
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2007, 10:47:43 AM »
I'll have to look into this...
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.