Ulysses Stuff > Releases for ULX v1.*

Menu Adds V2.0 [Client Limits/Client Commands/Gravity/Other] + [New plugins]

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This mod is for the ulx version 1.11
My second mod i hope you will enjoy it:

Here below is the main menu:

--- Quote ---1.Client menu
2.Admin menu
3.Maps menu
4.Weapons Menu
5.Client Limits
6.Client Commands


--- End quote ---


Here below u see what is in client limits:

--- Quote ---1.Balloons Off/On
2.Dynamite Off/On
3.Effects Off/On
4.Emitters Off/On
5.Npcs Off/On (this one is also in the usual mod but i thought lets include it)
6.Props Off/On
7.Ragdolls Off/On
8.Sprites Off/On

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---1.Thrusters Off/On
2.Vehicles Off/On
3.Wheels Off/On

--- End quote ---

Here below u see what is in client commands:

--- Quote ---1.Clear map
2.Remove all menus
3.Remove swep menu

--- End quote ---

Here below u see what is in the gravity menu:

--- Quote ---1.Low Gravity On/Off
2.Very Low Gravity On/Off
3.Hig Gravity On/Off
4.Very Hig Gravity On/Off

--- End quote ---

Here below u see what is in the other menu:

--- Quote ---1.Footsteps On/Off
2.Wind X On/Off
3.Wind Y On/Off
4.Storm X On/Off
5.Storm Y On/Off

--- End quote ---


this is what i use:
\\SteamApps\<Yoursteamacountname>\source dedicated server\gmod9\lua
if this aint working try:

[FIX]New menus
[FIX]A menu with clear whole map
[FIX]Less crashing of the server
[FIX]Set gravity
[FIX]No footsteps
[FIX]Chimney plugin (no one can spwan chimneys)
[FIX]Invisible Plugin (!inv <yourname> then u are invisible to players !!!ONLY ADMINS OR MOD's CAN DO IT!!!)
[FIX]Auto clear (If people disconnect or get kicked/banned then within 15 seconds all their stuff will be removed that will unlag your server becouse of the less props in your server)
[FIX]Storm/wind in your server this is auto off

[BUG]This version of ulx doesnt work with the ban hammer mod

This mod is by darkdeath u wan't more stuff in it ask or pm or email me: DarkDeathRip@gmail.com
The next mod will include blind players but i am working on it.

Goes out to Megiddo,
And other plugin makers here on this forum.

Good work!

cool, but i dont really care for it since i got gmod + and i really like the way that it is layed out. good idea though for those who dont have it and run a server.

sweet sweet sweet mod man, the only thing that cud b changed is... the invisible command working on admins with imunity.

Instructions on how to make it do that are in GD's transparency thread or under getUser in the wiki if you're interested darkdeath.


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