Ulysses Stuff > Suggestions
Gimp sayings...
ok, i had a look at mani and that lets you add your own gimp sayings... i found the part about gimped users in the ulx file, and its just peices of code etc, could it be easyer for ulx to do the same as mani and have a totaly different file for the gimped sayings?
Yeah, you could open ulx_fun.lua and find the part that says
--- Code: ---table.insert( gimp_say, "" )
--- End code ---
and add after that
--- Code: ---_OpenScript("ulx/ulx_gimpsays.lua")
--- End code ---
Copy a lua file to the ULX folder and rename it to gimpsays with the extension .lua
Open it, and put this in there, replacing everything else:
--- Code: ---table.insert( gimp_say, "INSERT THING TO SAY HERE" )
--- End code ---
and put one of those things on every line for every new thing you want to say, EX:
--- Code: ---table.insert( gimp_say, "weeee" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "circles" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "yay" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "helooo im nigel thornberreeey" )
--- End code ---
It's not necessary to keep this in:
--- Code: ---table.insert( gimp_say, "" )
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---table.insert( gimp_say, "Liek Oh, mai, GAWD!!! taht is soooo seks3!" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "ohh, ahhh, oohhh, ahhhhhh" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "I like to be a mingebag" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "" )
function cc_ulxGimp( userid, args, argv, argc )
local target = getUser( userid, argv[ 1 ] )
if target == nil then
--- End code ---
ok, so all those tableinserts i can wipe out, and add in that little line. i.e.
--- Code: ---
function cc_ulxGimp( userid, args, argv, argc )
local target = getUser( userid, argv[ 1 ] )
if target == nil then
--- End code ---
and then in the gimpsay lua file just have
--- Code: ---table.insert( gimp_say, "" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "" )
table.insert( gimp_say, "" )
--- End code ---
is this right, or can you correct me?
Edit: ok, i have done this and it works perfectly, thansk so much ULX once again! ur much better than mani, you actualy let users see the code :)
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