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Thoughts for ULX v2
cool ULX v2... ;) but why you not continuing making a MEGIDDO'S MOD? :-\ because its so cool!
its probably not worth it anymore. It basically went:
* UGM leads the spawn menu craze
* ReaperSWEs menu gains a foothold
* UGM and Reaper's menu prevail over the other small menus out there, rivaling each other
* Wars break out between the two mods (sounds like some novel...)
* UGM gets slandered, becoming the blame for many things like broken games, nonworking functions, client crashes, viruses, and ULM
* Slander forces UGM down while PJs modified UGM menu rises alongside reapers
* UGM stops development
* (Current) Users have grown to the two menus. They like what the menus offer and won't be willing to try out a new UGM. They don't want to be bothered to change to a new menu when theyve gotten used to the old one and they will be reluctant to download it from UGMs slanderous past.
* (Future) More lies spread, new wars break out, and UGM will most likely be forced down again.
Hey, I updated the docs today if anyone wants to see how things are coming along!
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