Author Topic: Goodbyes, ULib v1, ULX v2, sendmenu v1.2  (Read 6602 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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Goodbyes, ULib v1, ULX v2, sendmenu v1.2
« on: July 23, 2006, 10:27:40 PM »
Starting July 24th, I'll be on vacation until September 1st. I've left the forums in very capable hands in the mean time, you may not even notice I'm gone.

This does not mean that I've given up work on ULib v1 or ULX v2, and to prove it, I've released them. As always, you can get them by clicking on downloads at our homepage. Please note that my vacation came upon my rather suddenly, so I did not have time for thorough bug testing. As such, these releases aren't for the faint of heart and should be thought of as betas. You absolutely must read the readme of ULX v2 if you want to use it. All commands are prefixed by "ulx " now.

I've also released an update for sendmenu, it's now powered by ULib! This should make it more robust and stable.

Below is the output from "ulx help" for the curious:
ULX Help:
If a command can take multiple targets, it will usually let you use the keywords <ALL>, <BLUE>, <YELLOW>, <GREEN>, and <RED>.
These keywords are self explanitory.
All commands must be preceded by "ulx ", ie "ulx slap"

Command Help:
 o adminmenu  - Shows the ULX admin menu (say:!adminmenu)
 o asay <message> - Sends a message to all currently connected admins. (say:@)
 o ban <user> <time> - Bans a user for time, use 0 time for permaban (say:!ban)
 o blind <user(s)> [<amt>]- Blinds user(s) by amount, 255 = full (say:!blind)
 o clientmenu  - Shows the client admin menu (say:!clientmenu)
 o csay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the middle of the screen (say:@@@)
 o ent <classname> <flag> .. - spawn an ent, separate flag and value with : (IE: ulx ent prop_ragdoll model:models/alyx.mdl)
 o exec <file> - executes a file ( will run lua commands properly )
 o freeze <user(s)> - Freezes target(s) (say:!freeze)
 o gimp <user> - Gimps a player (can't talk normally) (say:!gimp)
 o god <user(s)> - Makes player invincible (say:!god)
 o help Shows this help.
 o hp <user(s)> <hp> - Set's user(s) hp (say:!hp)
 o ignite <user> - ignites the specified user ( death by fire ) (say:!ignite)
 o kick <user> [<reason>] - Kicks a user with the given reason (say:!kick)
 o kickban <user> <time> - Bans a user for time, use 0 time for permaban (say:!kickban)
 o lua <command> - Feeds the server a lua command
 o map <map> - Changes to the specified map (say:!map)
 o menu  - Shows the ULX main menu (say:!menu)
 o playsound <sound file> - Plays a sound ( relative to 'sound' dir )
 o psay <user> <message> - Sends a private message to target(s) (say:!p)
 o rcon <command> - Send the specified command to the server console (say:!rcon)
 o slap <user(s)> [<damage>] [<power>] - Slaps target(s) with given damage and power (say:!slap)
 o slay <user(s)> - slays the specified user (say:!slay)
 o sslay <user> [<respawn time> [<bool disolve]] - silently slays the specified user (say:!sslay)
 o team <user> <team> - forces the user to join the team ( unassigned, spectator, blue, yellow, green, red ) (say:!team)
 o tsay <message> - Sends a message to everyone. (say:@@)
 o unblind <user(s)> - Unblinds user(s) (say:!unblind)
 o unfreeze <user(s)> - Unfreezes target(s) (say:!unfreeze)
 o ungod <user(s)> - Revokes invincible (say:!ungod)
 o vote <question> <option 1> <option 2> ... - Takes up a vote with the specified options (say:!vote)
 o votekick <user> - Gives the users a vote on whether or not to kick a player (say:!votekick)
 o votekickban <user> - Gives the users a vote on whether or not to kickban a player (say:!votekickban)
 o votemap map [map2] .. - Gives the users a vote on the chosen maps ( Yes/No question if only one specified ) (say:!votemap)
 o who  - If there are admins currently in the server, shows their access

Cvar Help:
 o sv_mingekick <0/1> - Turns off/on auto-minge bag kick
 o sv_reservedslotmode - Reserved slot mode, read server.ini
 o sv_reservedslots - How many slots are reserved for admins
 o sv_welcomemessage <msg> - This is shown to players on join
-End of help
ULX version: 2
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Goodbyes, ULib v1, ULX v2, sendmenu v1.2
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 04:38:35 AM »
 On a Sunday night? *cry*  ::)
Now I have to wait until I get home to start breaking, er, using the new ULX code.

Yay. Glad its out! Enjoy your vacation! ;D ;D
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Brett900

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Re: Goodbyes, ULib v1, ULX v2, sendmenu v1.2
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 10:19:05 AM »
Theres the gimp command but there isnt an ungimp command LOL fix it.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Goodbyes, ULib v1, ULX v2, sendmenu v1.2
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2006, 12:09:27 PM »
See ULX Bugs forum for temporary fix
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming