Hi.. I installed ULX half a week ago, and I'm very satisfied

But... The gimp command does not work.. It says
"Admin Gimped Blah"
but the player can still chat normally.
In the ulx\cfg\server.ini there is
ulx addGimpSay "I'm a llama."
ulx addGimpSay "How do you fly?"
ulx addGimpSay "baaaaaaaaaah."
ulx addGimpSay "Llama power!"
ulx addGimpSay "Llamas are the coolest!"
ulx addGimpSay "What's that gun to move stuff?"
But they don't work in-game...
I made it work, but I had to change the chat.lua module and add them normally
local gimpSays = {"Could you please kill me?"} -- Holds gimp says
But why have a config command for it then? o.O
voteEcho in server.ini doesn't work either.. It never echoes choices, even though I put it to one.. I had to change this in the module too.
I can't get addForcedDownload working either.
I have this at the end of the server.ini file
ulx addForcedDownload "sound" 1
ulx addForcedDownload "media" 1
the folders are located in garrysmod\addons\ulx
Doesn't work if I do it by specifying each file either!
And if I add users in-game the groups.txt and users.txt doesn't change... They stays at default, but it remembers the admins even though I restart the server. (Not dedicated).
So... How does all this work?
Thanks in advance!