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Selfcommands for ULX
try this! =)
ulx userallow bob "ulx ragdollme"
obv. Bob is the person you want to give access to.
Sorry I haven't been online for some time, ulx userallow worked! :D Thanks a bunch MrPresident
I think you mist a very good one ^_^!
ulx noclipme (!noclipme) i think this would be a very good one when u have random ass monkeys join the server just to fly around killing people, this way you could give only a group noclipe power so they also cant give noclip to other people
like you could have groups superadmin, admin, operator, vip (or vip replace op), member, user/guest and member would be like more trusted than random guests from the server or maybe auto members after so many hr of game play and can than noclip them self ^_^
these commands are so cool/useful i could so see them being put into ULX one day ^_^!
O well I guess i will give it a go myself <== not to good at lua lol
I find it kinda annoying to give people power to use "ulx noclip" only to be able to go throw world and other peoples props.
I dont know maybe its just a dumb idea, but I would just like it mainly if I could make normal "user" group so they cant noclip
DV, why don't you set sv_noclip 0, then ulx groupallow <group> "ulx noclip"
This would allow you to set anyone you trusted with noclip access, but not normal users.
Or, tried UClip? It allows players to noclip, but not through world/others props.
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