Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Utime -- Show how long your players have been connected this session and total

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--- Quote from: JamminR on March 28, 2015, 11:27:59 AM ---1) Utime data is stored in sv.db of server gmod directory. Changing anything in /addons will not affect the data for utime

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: JamminR on April 04, 2015, 01:22:23 PM ---

--- End quote ---


Ok so i have added

--- Code: ---if not LocalPlayer():IsValid() or gpanel == nil or cpanel == nil then return end
--- End code ---

Under think function in cl_utime to fix client error when client joins and i got no error 310 yet.
But i'm not sure if this is the best thing to do... Any suggestions?

Edit: Nope, still here. 2 errors for each new client.

--- Code: ---[??????? ?? ??????|347|STEAM_0:0:49744753] Lua Error:
controlpanel.Get() - Error creating a ControlPanel!
You're calling this function too early! Call it in a hook!

[??????? ?? ??????|347|STEAM_0:0:49744753] Lua Error:

[ERROR] addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:310: attempt to index local 'cpanel' (a nil value)
1. buildCP - addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:310
2. resetCvars - addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:305
3. fn - addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:334
4. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:179
5. LocalPlayer - [C]:-1
6. fn - addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:333
7. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:179

[??????? ?? ??????|347|STEAM_0:0:49744753] Lua Error:
controlpanel.Get() - Error creating a ControlPanel!
You're calling this function too early! Call it in a hook!

[??????? ?? ??????|347|STEAM_0:0:49744753] Lua Error:

[ERROR] addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:310: attempt to index local 'cpanel' (a nil value)
1. buildCP - addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:310
2. resetCvars - addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:305
3. fn - addons/utime/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:334
4. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:179

[??????? ?? ??????|347|STEAM_0:0:49744753] Lua Error:
controlpanel.Get() - Error creating a ControlPanel!
You're calling this function too early! Call it in a hook!
--- End code ---

2nd edit: Fixed the error but i still have

--- Code: ---Lua Error:
controlpanel.Get() - Error creating a ControlPanel!
You're calling this function too early! Call it in a hook!
--- End code ---

Belly, are you using version from Github, and not from the first post of this thread?
The version at our Github site should have fixed that control panel error 2 years ago. 1.43 is the version I think.
Also, you mentioned over several various posts you've tried editing on your own to prevent client side from showing.
If you DO NOT edit the code, and use the Github UTime version, do you still get errors?
Try this BEFORE deleting anything.

No, i downloaded from here. But i think i found a fix. I deleted
--- Code: ---buildCP( controlpanel.Get( "Utime" ) )
--- End code ---
and that seems to have fixed the problem. I don't need control panel anyway because i'm using prop hunt. I never downloaded utime from github.


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