Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Utime -- Show how long your players have been connected this session and total

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Is it possible to this concept http://puu.sh/hHdZu/7bcb796ef9.png and add the option to monitor when the last time someone joined? So right now it's client-side, but can I find out when someone last joined? As in "ulx ujoined "steamId" or something. And running this command will let me know when the last tinme that player joined.

Alternatively, could we set a group check after a certain amount of days that adds that ulx group to the list stating "This group hasn't joined in over 31 days." With this, we decide which groups we'd like to apply this watch to.

Somewhat like combining the !warn menu, while using the ulx who <steam_id> and the utim function all in one.

My goal is to monitor the activity of someone who has purchase content on the server, but doesn't join after X days, and they would be added to a list. With that list I'd remove whatever extra content they have on the server since they're not utilizing it anymore to help prevent the clutter. I already have this policy implemented, but monitoring it isn't that easy. Right now I'm guessing (server wise), but I'm checking last active date on the website as well.

Hope that wasn't confusing

Doing what you're asking directly from an sqlite query would be pretty simple, though you'd have to correlate the uid back to their steam id/name.

Is there some code that allows me to use lua and check their time on the server and auto promote them to regular if (example) they have 8 hours


--- Quote from: Tomzen on May 10, 2015, 07:04:19 PM ---Is there some code that allows me to use lua and check their time on the server and auto promote them to regular if (example) they have 8 hours

--- End quote ---

In all honesty though, I'd recommend not doing that.
Though 8 hours is still better than some I've seen, it tends to clutter and grow the user files.
I've seen 2-3 come here and ask why groups are acting strange to find out they have autopromote of some type and have hundreds of "regulars".

If you do decide to use any one of those found in our releases section, just make sure to also clean up users who haven't been seen in (weeks/months)

I have a problem, every time i disconnect from my server, the time of utime resets, what i can do? i reiinstalled this like 8 times


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